Page 321 - KRCL ENglish
P. 321

                   Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31  March, 2020
                v.  Assessment of Income Tax for the Financial Year 2007-08 to 2014-15 are pending at
                    various level of Appellate Authority. However, considering the past Assessment and
                    existing substantial carry forward un-absorbed Depreciation loss of ` 1146.63 crores
                    (` 1372.65 Crore), there will not be any impact on nancials of the company.

                vi.  Against the demand of the Service Tax Department of ` 704.40 Crore and applicable
                    interest thereon for the period from 2009-10 to 2013-14, the corporation has led a writ
                    petition with CESTAT, Mumbai on 28th August 2019  as per the directive of High Court,
                    Mumbai challenging the same as unconstitutional and against the service tax law
                    being double taxation on business transaction between KRCL and Indian Railways.
                    Against the same the Corporation has deposited ` 10 Crore with the court.

                vii.  The TRACES Portal of Income tax department shows demand of ` 0.60 Crore (`  1.12
                    Crore) including interest. The same is on account of mismatch in credit of TDS paid
                    due to certain punching error. The management afrms the rectication of above-
                    mentioned amount.

                viii. There  is  demand  of  `  19  crores  (`  19  crores)  towards  Value  Added  tax  by  the
                    department  of  Commercial  tax  for  work  of  Road  Over  Bridge  (ROB)  executed  in
                    Jharkhand state which has been challenged by the Corporation.

                ix.  103 (435) cases relating to land have been led by the landowners in several Courts
                    for revision of amount of the award passed by the concerned SLAOs of the respective
                    State Governments involving amount of ` 12.79 Crore (` 46.98 Crores) (approx.). The
                    Corporation has deposited ` 6.75 Crore (` 22.16 Crore) with the Court including

                x.  458 (400) cases has been led for enhance Land Compensation payable to claimants
                    under section 28A of  Land Acquisition Act, 1894 having nancial implication of ` 86
                    Crore (` 51 Crore)

                xi.  Total 69(66) personal claims pertaining to railway accidents are pending with Tribunal
                    amounting to ` 5.52 Crore (` 5.28 Crore).

               b.   Contingent Asset: NIL

               41. Capital and Revenue Commitments

                    Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on account of capital not
                    provided for, are ` 618.27 Crore (` 832.06 Crore)   .

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