Page 10 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 10
To develop coordination and control through moving with a scarf in several different ways, to move slowly and quickly, to develop fine motor skills through gripping onto and manipulating a scarf, to stop and move when indicated, to stop and change direction and to explore rhythmic movements in response to the music
To use the body to explore shape through music and dance
To feel scarves and to move to music rhythmically
To imagine scarves are snowflakes floating around in the winter breeze and to make their own unique snowflake shapes using their whole bodies
Dance aims
Balance & Control
To move slowly, up high, down low and to freeze in a snowflake shape when the music stops
To practise transferring weight form one foot to another while swaying like a tree
Body Awareness
To use the whole body to create snowflake shapes
To twirl around then stop and change direction
To think up and create own unique snowflake shapes using the whole body
Motor Skills
To practise manipulative skills (including throwing and catching) using the scarf and to practise gross motor skills including stretching, twirling, bending, moving arms in circles and traveling around the room
To stop and start body movements in line with the stopping and starting of music
Spatial Awareness
To negotiate the space while travelling around the room by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
‘Warm-Down Rhyme’ by Lucy Milan Davis & Sarah Moss We’ve had lots of fun in Danceland,
But it’s time to say farewell,
So let’s take out our magic wands, “ping”,
And say our magic spell.
I wiggle my fingers, I wiggle my toes,
I wiggle my shoulders, I wiggle my nose.
Say abracadabra, 1, 2, 3,
And we’re back in the real world (whisper) still as can be.
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