Page 12 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 12

Term Three Lesson TWO: Nursery Rhymes
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ by The Wiggles
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson one
2. Stretching and curling: Elephants Spraying Water
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson one
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘Pegleg Pete’ by Brandon Fiechter
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson one
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ by Anne Porter
To work as a team to make a circle
To participate in a familiar and predictable routine (circle song)
To name a nursery rhyme for the group to perform and to perform a nursery rhyme on own to the group
PSED (MR) & (F/B)
To wait for a turn and to use other children’s suggestions
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
To develop listening and attention through song and rhyme
CL (U)
To follow an instruction and to understand the meaning of words through actions
To learn about nursery rhymes
To sing familiar songs and say familiar rhymes
Dance aims
Fine Motor Skills
To practise upper body gross motor skills through joining in with the familiar actions
Spatial Awareness To make a circle
5. Fine motor skills: ‘This Little Piggy’ (traditional)
© 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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