Page 14 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 14
PD (HSC) & PD (MH)
To encourage children to be active and therefore improve fitness
To follow the choreography instructed by the teacher
To dance in time to a familiar song
To pretend to be mice running around the room
Dance aims
Balance & Control
To practise balance and control through running on tippy toes
Body Awareness & Coordination
To observe the choreography shown by the teacher and recreate it with own body
To run around like mice
Motor Skills
To improve numerous gross motor skills including bending, stretching, pointing toes and waving arms and to practise locomotor skills through running on tippy toes
To dance in time with the music
Strength and Fitness
To improve cardiovascular fitness through performing a high energy activity and to develop leg strength through running on tippy toes
Spatial Awareness
To negotiate the space while running on tippy toes around the room by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
7. Actionsong:‘SeeSawMargeryDaw’(traditional)
See Saw Margery Daw,
Johnny shall have a new master. He shall have but a penny a day, Because he can’t work any faster.
To work as a pair to move in time with the pulse whilst holding hands and to work cooperatively as a group, make good eye contact and move in sync with each other whilst manipulating the parachute
To develop coordination and control through making small and medium sized see saws and to develop fine motor skills through gripping onto the parachute and gross motor manipulative skills through moving it as instructed
CL (LA) & (S) & ED (MM)
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