Page 24 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 24
Term Three Lesson Five: minibeasts TWO
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ by The Wiggles
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson one
2. Stretching and curling: Elephants Spraying Water
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson one
3. TraveltoDanceland:‘PeglegPete’byBrandonFiechter
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson one
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ by Anne Porter
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson four
5. Fine motor skills: ‘Flutter, Flutter Butterfly’ (traditional)
See Term Three lesson four
6. Choreographed dance: ‘The Busy Buzzy Bee Shop’ by The Fairies
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance Aims
See Term Three lesson four
7. Actionsong:‘IncyWincySpider’(traditional)
EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term Three lesson four
8. Working with Props: ‘Little Brown Ant’ by The Wiggles
To practise fine motor skills through pointing toes, to practise manipulative skills through shaking the egg shaker and moving it with intention, to develop coordination and control through moving in a variety of ways including crouching, swaying, bending, bouncing, digging and placing one hand above the other in building motion and to practise locomotor skills through marching around the room
PD (MH) & M (N)
To develop finger dexterity and the understanding of number names from one to six by using fingers to represent numbers when counting to six
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To engage in the body tension activity of bobbing down and stretching up and to negotiate the space while marching around the room like an ant by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
CL (U)
To develop an understanding of words through the use of actions
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