Page 22 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 22
CL (LA) & (S)
To develop listening, attention and speech through singing
CL (U)
To understand the meaning of words through actions
To practise fine motor skills in hands when singing the song with the well known actions and to move with differing speeds
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To jump down to the floor then stretch up high
To move in time with the beat, to sing a familiar song and to introduce children to language to describe sounds and rhythms including ‘fast’ and ‘slow’
To pretend to be spiders
To negotiate the space by falling to the ground in a way that avoids obstacles including other children
Dance aims
Balance & Control
To improve balance and control through moving quickly and slowly
To practise finger coordination through doing traditional actions when singing through the song the first time
Motor Skills
To practise fine motor skills when singing the song the first time and doing the well known actions and to practise gross motor skills when pretending to be giant spiders
To move in time with the pulse and to move ‘quickly’ and ‘slowly’
8. Working with Props: ‘Spider’s Web’ by Charlotte Diamond
The children and teacher play with matching items (coloured scarves) and mimic each other in a choreographed dance
To listen to music of a different style which captures a particular mood
To develop listening and attention through the use of props
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To engage in body tension activities including stretching and curling and to negotiate the space while moving around like flying minibeasts by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
© 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD