Page 28 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 28
CL (U), PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To understand the meaning of the words “big”, “long”, “small” and “short” through associating them with corresponding movements
L (R)
To develop an awareness of rhyme
To move hands and feet rhythmically
To pretend hands and feet are daddy’s steps
Dance Aims
Body Awareness
To isolate feet, moving one at a time, and to isolate pointer and middle fingers as they ‘walk’ across the arm
To switch between big, slow movements and short, fast movements
To move feet in opposing directions and to coordinate ‘walking’ pointer and middle fingers one at a time across arm
To improve flexibility in legs by sitting with legs straight out in front
Motor Skills
To develop fine motor skills in hands and feet
To move hands and feet in time with the pulse
Strength and Fitness
To develop strength in the stabilising muscles in the ankles and in the calf muscles
6. Choreographed dance: ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ by the Beatles
To develop coordination and control through moving in a variety of ways including digging, pointing, twisting and swaying and to practise locomotor skills through marching
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To engage in the body tension activity of stretching
PD (HSC) & PD (MH)
To encourage children to be active and therefore improve fitness
To follow the choreography instructed by the teacher
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