Page 36 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 36
I wash my face, I brush my hair, I brush my teeth, I say a prayer.
To develop finger dexterity
I read my book,
Kiss mummy goodnight, I close my eyes,
And then sleep tight.
CL (LA) & (S) & L (R)
To develop listening, attention and speech through repetition and rhyme
L (R)
To develop an awareness of rhyme
To move in time with a rhyme
To encourage health and self-care by including hygienic practises including washing face, brushing hair and brushing teeth in a list of bedtime activities
Dance Aims
Body Awareness & Coordination
To move specific fingers to thumb one at a time
Motor Skills
To develop finger dexterity
Control & Musicality
To move fingers in time with the pulse
Strength and Fitness
To improve hand strength
6. Choreographed dance: ‘Splish Splash’ co-written by Bobby Darin and Murray Kaufman and performed by Bobby Darin
To develop coordination and control through moving in a variety of ways including crouching, twisting, stamping, shaking hands, rolling arms and pointing fingers and to practise the locomotor skill of jumping
PD (HSC) & (MH)
To encourage children to be active and therefore improve fitness through performing a high energy dance with lots of jumping and twisting
PD (MH), M (SSM) & EAD (BI)
To negotiate the space while pretending to swim around the room (backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle) by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles, including other children
To follow the choreography instructed by the teacher
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