Page 41 - Term Three pre-school dance plans - nursery parent copy
P. 41
To develop an understanding of positioning by physically exploring the concept of upstairs and downstairs
To sing a familiar song
To pretend to Wee Willy Winky and act out a story
Dance aims
Balance, Control & Strength and Fitness
To practise balance and control and to develop leg strength through running on tippy toes
To tell a story through mime and gesture
Motor Skills
To practise gross motor skills through miming several different activities and to practise locomotor skills through running on tippy toes
To move in time with the pulse
8. Working with Props: ‘There Were Five in the Bed’ (tune of ‘Ten in the Bed’, traditional) EDUCATIONAL aims & Dance aims
See Term Three lesson eight
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Three lesson one
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