Page 30 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 30

     ‘Walking in the Air’ performed by Aled Jones
      Activities for public classes with parents/carers
You blow/create bubbles and the parents 'fly' their babies around the room.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools Same as for 'Largo from Oboe'.
      Everyone puts on their “listening ears” and their “quiet lips”. Tell the children that it's time to go on a magic carpet ride. Play the track and hand a “magic carpet” (coloured scarf) to each child. They kneel on the bottom half of their scarf and holding the edges of the top half, pretend to fly up and down. You then indicate to go higher and the children stand up and “fly” their magic carpets around the room. They should alternate between flying up high (tippy toes) and down low (knees bent). The children then “land” in time for the next activity. They place their scarves over their heads and you gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. Name and congratulate the children who listened well during the activity. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not including listening at all.
    Same as for toddlers
       bubbles (babies only) & coloured scarves
    © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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