Page 28 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 28
Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Four Song Bank Listening
All Term Four ‘Listening’ songs are to be sourced and provided by the teacher.
Activities for Babies
Activities for Toddlers
Activities for Pre-schoolers
‘Hallelujah’ performed by Jeff Buckley
Same as for 'Largo from Oboe'
Everyone puts on their “listening ears” and their “quiet lips”. The children lie on their backs. You float a magic blanket (scarf) down to each of them one at a time. They lie as still and as quiet as they possibly can while the “sleep”.
The children sit up, stretch and place their scarves over their heads for the next activity and you gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. Name and congratulate the children who lay the most quietly. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not having listening at all.
Same as for toddlers
coloured scarves & bubbles (babies only)
‘Inchworm’ performed by Danny Kaye
1. Reveal an inchworm (your finger) from your sparkly bag. Creep it around your body as though it is a real worm. Tell the babies that it is an inchworm and that you are going to play a song about it. Play the track. Creep your pointer finger around your body, moving it in time with the pulse. Walk your inchworm across the babies' tummies for classes in ELCs and pre-schools. For public classes with parents/carers, the adult walks their inchworm around their baby's body in time with the pulse.
1. "Today's listening song is about an inchworm that is counting and measuring. We are going to make an inchworm with our finger. I want you to listen carefully to the numbers he is counting because at the end I want you to tell me which numbers you heard." The children creep a pointer finger around their bodies as though it is an inchworm. You can gently tickle the children's tummies with your inchworm, making sure to move it to the pulse as you do. Ask any older toddlers to tell you which numbers they heard. Sing through the chorus for them to check their answers are correct!
1. "Today's listening song is about an inchworm that is counting and measuring. We are going to be the inchworm. I want you to listen carefully to the numbers he is counting because at the end I want you to tell me which numbers you heard." The children wriggle about on their tummies as they listen to the song. At the end they tell you which numbers they heard. Sing through the chorus acapella for them to check that their answers were correct!
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