Page 29 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 29
‘Largo from Oboe Concerto in G Minor’ performed by Christian Hommel
Everyone puts on their “listening ears” and their “quiet lips”. Play the track through your speakers and blow bubbles for the children. The babies look and touch the bubbles as the music plays. Hand out scarves for the next activity whilst the music is still playing (except in week one when you demonstrate the hiding game before handing the scarves out) and gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not including listening at all.
Everyone puts on their “listening ears” and their “quiet lips”. Play the track through your speakers and hand each child a coloured scarf. There are several ways you can use this track.
1. Pretend the scarf is a pillow or blanket and pretend to sleep as you listen to the music. Wake up and stretch in time to the music.
2. Name the instruments you can hear in the piece and one by one pretend your scarf is one of them and mime playing in time with the rhythm.
3. Move your scarf up and down and from side to side. Make circles. Throw it in the air and catch it. Pretend it's a magic paint brush and paint a house or write your name.
The children place their scarves over their heads for the next activity and you gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. Name and congratulate the children who sat the most quietly. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not having listening at all.
Same as for toddlers
bubble machine (babies only) & coloured scarves
‘The Waltzing Cat’ performed by Richard Hayman Symphony Orchestra and Richard Hayman
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. Tell the children that today they are going to listen to a very special song about a dancing cat. "If you listen carefully, you can hear the cat miaowing as he dances." Hand each child a coloured scarf. You tunefully sing the ‘miaows’ when you hear them in the music. You move your scarf up and down in time with the ‘miaows’ (physicalising the movement of the pitch up and down), brushing a different child with your scarf each time you do so.
Activities for public classes with parents/carers
Introduce the activity in the same way as for ELCs and pre-schools. You tunefully sing the ‘miaows’ when you can hear them in the music. You move your scarf up and down in time with the ‘miaows’ (physicalising the movement of the pitch up and down). You encourage the adults to help the babies to move their scarves up and down in time with you.
Older toddlers perform the same activity as pre- schoolers. Younger toddlers perform the same activity as in baby classes without parents.
1. Tell the children that today they are going to listen to a very special song about a dancing cat. "If you listen carefully, you can hear the cat miaowing as he dances." You and the children move like cats. You lead them in tunefully singing 'miaow' when you can hear it in the music.
coloured scarves (babies only)
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