Page 31 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
P. 31
Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Four Song Bank Hiding
Activities for Babies
Activities for Toddlers
Activities for Pre- schoolers
Startin g pitch
Someone is Hiding
Someone is hiding,
Is hiding, is hiding. Someone is hiding, Who could it be? Peek a boo! I see you. Peek a boo! I see you.
1. Hide your face with a scarf as you sing the song and quickly pull it away as you say each 'Peek a boo!' You must demonstrate this to the babies before
giving them their own scarf the first week you do this activity so they understand the game. Next, give each baby a scarf and adults can help them to hide their faces with it and pull it off for each 'Peek a boo!'
After a few weeks some of the babies will be able to do this on their own. Some younger babies will prefer for the adult to be the one hiding under the scarf as it can be scary if they don't understand the activity.
1. Same as for the babies activity, however most of the toddlers will be able to place a scarf on their head and pull it off without any help from an adult. It's still important to demonstrate the song before handing out the scarves the first time you do the activity. Make sure you encourage the older children in the class to sing with you.
1. Same as for the toddlers activity only all of the children should be encouraged to sing along.
coloured scarves
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