Page 16 - Term 2 dance plans- preschool parent copy
P. 16
Term Two Lesson Four: Mother’s Day
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ by The Wiggles EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Two lesson one
2. Stretching and curling: Snails Hiding from Angry Birds
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Two lesson one
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘My Favourite Things’ by Julie Andrews
To choose a partner and to work as a team to spin around in a circle
To use the body to explore shape through music and dance
To develop locomotor coordination by sliding forwards and backwards and by moving opposing arms and legs, to encourage the body tension activity of turning, to explore new ways of moving and to move freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To negotiate the space while sliding by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles and also coordinate dancing with a partner when spinning around
To move imaginatively and to pretend to ice skate to ‘Danceland’ on a ‘frozen’ lake
dance aims
Spatial Awareness, Control & Balance
To hold hands with a partner and spin around in a circle (so centre of weight is between their hands)
Motor Skills
To practise the locomotor skills of sliding forwards and backwards and spinning around with a partner and the non- locomotor skill of twirling
To slide in time with the pulse
Spatial Awareness
To negotiate the space while sliding around the room by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ by Anne Porter
To work as a team to make a circle
To participate in a familiar and predictable routine (circle song)
© 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD