Page 34 - Term 2 dance plans- preschool parent copy
P. 34
To develop listening and attention through the use of props
To develop fine motor skills through gripping onto the scarf, gross motor manipulative skills by moving the scarf as indicated and to negotiate the space by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles
To use the body to explore shape through music and dance
To pretend to be Mummy, Daddy, Brother, Sister, Baby and to use scarves creatively as part of the game play
Dance aims
Balance & Control To walk on tippy toes
To walk like different characters
Motor Skills
To develop fine motor skills through gripping onto the scarf and gross motor manipulative skills by moving the scarf as indicated
Spatial Awareness
To negotiate the space while travelling around the room by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles (including other children)
Strength and Fitness
To develop strength in legs by walking on tippy toes
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
EDUCATIONAL aims & dance aims
See Term Two lesson one
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