Page 38 - Term 2 dance plans- preschool parent copy
P. 38
To develop full body coordination and control by joining in with the actions as indicated (scrub the deck, climb the rigging, captains coming, periscopes up and ships ghost)
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
CL (U)
To listen for a signal, follow an instruction and to understand the meaning of words through actions
To pretend to be pirates
Dance aims
To move like pirates
Motor Skills
To practise various gross motor skills
Spatial Awareness To make a circle
5. Fine motor skills: ‘Naughty Pirates, Good Pirates’ by Lucy Milan Davis and Tamara Saffir
Naughty pirates are lazy and have a kip while, Good pirates help to sail the ship,
Naughty pirates sit around drinking rum while, Good pirates will help everyone.
Naughty pirates like to steal the treasure while, Good pirates wear life jackets for good measure. Naughty pirates always like to fight while,
Good pirates get to eat Turkish delight.
To develop fine motor skills in feet (pointing and flexing feet)
CL (LA) & (S)
To develop listening, attention and speech through rhyme
L (R)
To develop an awareness of rhyme
To move to a rhyme
Dance aims
Body Awareness
To isolate feet and point and flex them as indicated
To develop flexibility in legs
Motor Skills
To develop fine motor skills in feet
To change foot positions at the beginning of each new phrase
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