Page 24 - Term Two Drama Lesson Plans
P. 24

Sometimes I am happy and, Sometimes I am sad, Sometimes I’m excited and, Sometimes I am mad!
I show all of my feelings, (arms upwards and outwards in a circular motion) Through my body and my face, (point to your body and then your face) This makes me a special part, (tap chest with both hands to pulse)
Of the human race. (arms upwards and outwards in a circular motion)
Ask the children to help you say the words as you perform the poem two more times (using the same actions).
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
6. Create the story
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions.
Opening lines: “Aleesha was feeling sad because she had left her favourite toy on the bus home from school. She didn’t want to be sad anymore.”
Instead of asking a volunteer to tell you “what happened next” (as per weekly activity break down) ask, “What can Aleesha do to feel happier?”
* Running time approx. 4 mins.
7. Act out the story
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions. *Running time approx. 5 mins.
8. Moving around the room: ‘Feelings’ performed by ‘Hi-5’
Ask a volunteer to name a feeling. Briefly lead the children in walking as though they are experiencing the suggested feeling. Repeat using suggestions from three more volunteers. Play the music and lead the children in walking around the room as though they are experiencing the suggested feelings, one by one. You then lead the children in moving around as though they are experiencing feelings suggested by you.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
9. Travel back to the real world and give out magic sparkles
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions. * Running time approx. 3 mins 45 secs.
 © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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