Page 29 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 29
Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Three Song Bank Listening
All Term Three ‘Listening’ songs are to be sourced and provided by the teacher.
Activities for Babies
Activities for Toddlers
Activities for Pre-schoolers
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy performed by The Hit Crew
Everyone puts on their “listening ears” and their “quiet lips”. Play the track through your speakers and blow bubbles for the children manually or using a bubble gun. The babies look and touch the bubbles as the music plays.
For public classes with parents/carers, the adults should play with their baby's hands, feet, tummy or back in time with the music.
Hand out scarves for the next activity whilst the music is still playing and gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not including listening at all.
Same as for pre- schoolers except during activity one where you will need to suggest the different instruments (rather than ask for the children's suggestions).
Everyone puts on their “listening ears” and their “quiet lips”. Play the track through your speaker and hand each child a coloured scarf.
1. Ask the children which instruments they can hear in the piece. Pretend your scarf is each of the suggested instruments one at a time and play them in time with the music. The most recognisable instrument is the "celeste which is played just like a piano but it makes an unusual and magical sound".
2. Tell the children that the song is called 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' and that you are going to turn everyone into Sugar Plum Fairies. Take out your magic wand and say “1, 2, 3 Abracadabra!” Play the track and hand each child some fairy wings (a coloured scarf). The children run around the room on their tippy toes, flapping their wings.
The children place their scarves over their heads for the next activity and you gradually turn down the volume until there is silence. The length of this activity will depend on how quickly you have moved through previous activities. Including 30 seconds of listening is better than not having listening at all.
magic wand, bubbles & scarves
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