Page 27 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 27

     Ride a Cock Horse
      Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a fine horse.
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes!
    Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. You demonstrate with your large teddy. Adults lay younger babies on their backs on the floor and rock them back and forth as everyone recites the rhyme.
Older babies sit on an adult's knee and are bounced up and down to the pulse. Adults tap the babies’ hands and feet where indicated and help them to clap their hands for the last line.
2. You hand one baby some hand bells. They hold and possibly jingle them as they are bounced to the pulse on an adult's lap or rocked back and forth on their back on the floor. The rest of the children are laid on their backs and rocked back and forth or bounced on lap as adults help them to clap their hands. When the rhyme is finished, the bells are passed to another child. Repeat until every baby has had a turn. For larger groups, pass two sets of bells around at the same time.
Activities for ELCs and pre-schools
1. You demonstrate the rhyme. Bounce up and down to the pulse with hands holding reins as though riding a horse for the first two lines. Wiggle fingers and then tap toes for the third line. Clap to the pulse for the last line. Repeat and encourage the babies to join in. You can also encourage staff members to bounce a baby on their lap. If you have a small group, you can tickle babies' hands and tap their feet for them.
2. Give one baby some hand bells. The chosen child shakes the bells as the rest of the group clap their hands and bounce to the pulse. Try substituting 'she' with the child's name. At the end of the rhyme, the bells are passed on to the next baby in the circle and the rhyme is repeated. Repeat until each child has had a turn. For larger groups have two sets of bells passed around at the same time and use 'she' instead of the children's names.
      big teddy (public classes with parents/carers only) & hand bells
      © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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