Page 25 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 25

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Three Song Bank Movement and dancing
   Activities for Babies
     Activit ies for Toddl ers
     Activities for Pre-schoolers
    Starting pitch
     Everybody Tap Your Head
Everybody tap your head,
A7 D
Tap your head, tap your head.
Everybody tap your head,
A7 D
Just like this.
(spoken) Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
Everybody wiggle your nose etc. Everybody tap your tummy etc. Everybody wiggle your fingers etc. Everybody tap your knees etc. Everybody wiggle your toes etc.
 1. Ask the children to find their heads. "Where are your heads?" You sing the first verse with your melodic instrument and the adults in the room help the children to tap their heads to the pulse. Repeat the process for the other body parts. If there are no adults helping you and the babies need more guidance, sing each verse once acapella demonstrating the actions and then once with your melodic instrument. You should always perform the indicated action during the spoken part regardless of whether or not you are playing your melodic instrument.
  1. Same as for babies
 melodic instrument
   Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. CG Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes,
And eyes and ears and,
Mouth and nose. GC Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes.
     1. Tap the appropriate body part/s as you sing the song.
2. Take out your remote control and press “slow motion”. Perform the song slowly.
3. Take out your remote control and press “fast forward”. Perform the song quickly.
4. Accompany the children with your melodic instrument as they sing at a medium tempo.
5. The children use their “thinking voices” for head. They should understand thinking voices from the 'Yes We Can' game. Start by mouthing the word 'head'. Do this activity unaccompanied. If/when they get the hang of it you can add thinking voices to 'shoulders' then 'knees' and then 'toes'.
       melodic instrument
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