Page 23 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 23

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Three Song Bank Instrument time
    Activities for Babies
      Activities for Toddlers
   Activities for Pre-schoolers
     Starting pitch
     I Have Instrume nts
   I have instruments, yes I do,
I have instruments hidden away. I have instruments, yes I do,
But which one will I play?
   1. Have some percussion instruments hidden in your sparkly bag. Sing the song then play one of the instruments inside the bag. Reveal the instrument, name it, play it again and hand it to a baby ready to use in the next exercise. Repeat with two or three other instruments and then hand instruments to all the children that do not have one yet.
   1. Pick two unpitched instruments and show them to the children one at a time. Play them so they know what each one sounds like and teach the children the name of the instrument. Hide the instruments inside your sparkly bag and sing the song on your own. When you have finished singing, play one of the instruments inside your bag. The children must guess which instrument was played. If the children have trouble deciding which instrument it is, ask one or two of them to feel the instrument and guess again.
   x 2 percussion instruments
  Play and Stop
     Play and play and stop.
Play and play and stop.
Let's play and play all through the day,
Let's play and play and stop.
Alternate verses
Play and play and yawn (yawn sound and action).
Play and play and yawn (yawn sound and action).
Let's play and play all through the day,
Let's play and play and yawn (yawn sound and action).
Play and play and nod... Play and play and giggle... Play and play and stomp...
  Activities one and two are same as for toddlers.
3. Sing the 'yawn' verse, making a yawn sound and action where indicated.
     1. The children play their percussion instruments in time with the pulse, stopping when indicated.
2. Try with a slower and then faster tempo. Ask the children to watch carefully and try to play at the same time as you.
3. Sing the alternate verses performing the appropriate sound and/or action during the pauses.
4. Make up your own verses.
5. Older toddlers only: after several weeks when the children really understand the game you could try asking for suggestions. Start by giving them some options to choose from.
 Activities one to three are same as for toddlers.
4. The children suggest alternate sounds and/or actions to make up new verses.
     percussion instruments
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