Page 21 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 21

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Three Song Bank Pulse activities
    Activities for Babies
   Activities for Toddlers
     Activities for Pre- schoolers
      Start ing pitch
   Here is the Beehive
     Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees. Here come the bees now,
Out of the hive.
One, two, three, four, five.
   Same as for toddlers except the adults in the room help the children to do the actions and give them a tickle at the end.
 1. Reveal bee toy. Ask the children if they know where bees live. The children collect some bees up from the floor and put them into one of their hands which will become the beehive. They shake their beehive (fist) to the pulse during the first three lines. During the last line they pop out one finger at a time as they count to five and then find a friend to tickle as they make a buzzing bee sound.
2. Collect up some "old, slow, lazy bees" and perform the rhyme slowly. Collect up some "young, quick, busy bees" and perform the rhyme quickly.
   Activities one and two are same as for toddlers.
3. The children are sitting in a circle. Count five children into the centre to be the bees so that they know exactly which is one, two, three, four and five. They should curl up in a ball. As the numbers are sung, they should get up one at a time and buzz around, ending in their original place in the circle.
     bee toy
     Penny on the Water
    Penny on the water, Penny on the sea.
Up jumps a little fish, And up jumps me! Whee!
  1. Adults bounce babies gently on their laps and lift them up high at the end for 'Whee!’. If the class doesn’t include parents or carers, you and the staff can take turns of bouncing different babies or you can skip to activity two.
2. The group is sitting around the parachute in a circle. Move the imaginary parachute from side to side to the pulse for the song and then lift it up high at the end as you say 'Whee!' Repeat with the real parachute. Repeat again with the soft fish toy on top, flinging it high into the air as you say 'Whee!' Tell the children that the water is now cold and so the fish is going to swim quickly to warm up and repeat at a faster pulse.
3. The children take turns hiding under the parachute as the song is sung. The parachute is moved from side to side to the pulse and then the hidden child is revealed when you lift the parachute up as you say 'Whee!' You should substitute 'Penny' with the child's real name. P.T.O.
  1. Younger toddlers bounce on adults' laps to the pulse and are lifted up at the end as you say 'Whee!' Older toddlers tap the floor to the pulse and jump up high as they say 'Whee!'
2. Same as for babies.
3. The adults sit around the parachute, holding onto its edges and moving it from side to side to the pulse, whilst the children hide underneath. The parachute is lifted up and the children revealed on the 'Whee!' You can take turns substituting 'Penny' with the children's names.
   1. Teach the song using call and response.
2. Same as for older toddlers, activity one.
3. Same as for babies, activity two.
4. Same as for babies activity three.
    parachut e & soft fish toy
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