Page 20 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 20
Yes We Can
Teacher: Can you use your speaking voice? Children: Yes we can. Yes we can.
Teacher: Can you use your louder voice? Children: Yes we can. Yes we can.
Teacher: Can you use your whispering voice? Children: Yes we can. Yes we can.
Teacher: Can you use your singing voice? Children: Yes we can. Yes we can.
Teacher: (silently, rhythm tapped on head)
Can you use your thinking voice?
Children: (silently, rhythm tapped on head)
Yes we can. Yes we can.
N.B. These activities differ from 'Yes We Can' in the Term Two plans.
1. Explain to the children that you are going to ask them some questions and they are to answer ‘Yes we can. Yes we can’, copying your voice. Ask the questions using a speaking, whispering, louder and singing voice. The children answer 'Yes we can. Yes we can' using the appropriate voice. Vary the order of the questions each time you play the game.
2. Explain to the children that when we use our speaking voice it is called a “rhyme” and when we use our singing voice it is called a “song”.
3. Introduce the thinking voice. You silently mouth the words ‘Can you use your thinking voice?’, tapping the rhythm of the words on your head. The children silently mouth ‘Yes, we can. Yes we can.’ as they tap the rhythm of the words on their heads. To begin with, you may need to use your whispering voice to demonstrate. Remind the children that they must wait until you have finished asking the question before they can answer it.
4. Choose a volunteer to ask one of the questions. The group replies using the right voice.
G for singing voice
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