Page 26 - Term Three Song Bank
P. 26

     Here We Go Up and Down
  Lyrics for Pre-schoolers
Here we go...
Up and down and up and down,
And round and round and round and round, And in and out and in and out.
Here we go again (now it's time to stop). Whee!
Lyrics for Babies and Toddlers
Here we go...
Up and down and up and down,
And side to side and side to side,
And in and out and in and out.
Here we go again (now it's time to stop). Whee!
      Activities for public classes with parents/carers
1. Make sure to use the lyrics for toddlers and babies. Each baby is sitting on an adult's lap who moves them in time with the pulse and according to the lyrics. The babies are lifted high into the air during the 'Whee!'
2. Same as toddlers activity one
Activities for ELCs and pre- schools
Same as for toddlers
         1. Make sure to use the lyrics for toddlers and babies. Everyone is sitting in a circle. You sing the song and everyone moves the imaginary parachute up and down to the pulse for the first line, you move it from side to side for the second line, you move it in and out for the third line, you hold it still for the last line and then lift it up high into the air on 'Whee!' Ask the older toddlers to join in with the words and repeat with real parachute. Repeat again with the small teddy on top.
 1. Everyone is sitting in a circle. You sing the song and everyone moves the imaginary parachute up and down to the pulse for the first line, you move it slowly around (still sitting) for the second line, you move it in and out for the third line, you hold it still for the last line and then lift it up high into the air on 'Whee!' Ask the children to join in with the words and repeat with real parachute. Repeat again with the small teddy on top.
2. Sing 'stand up'. The children perform the actions with the parachute as before only this time they walk it around in a circle during the second line. No teddy on top. If there is an adult helping you, ask them to join in and stand opposite you in the circle.
3. As above, only two children are chosen to run under the parachute and swap places during the 'Whee!'
    parachute & small teddy
  © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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