Page 37 - Pre-school dance plans term one- ELC parent copy
P. 37

PSED (MR), (SC/SA) & (F/B), CL (LA) & (S), UW (PC) & EAD (BI)
To discuss the upcoming Easter holiday and to take turns in imagining and expressing to the group various ways to decorate Easter eggs of all sizes using different colours of paint and various craft supplies
To pretend to decorate Easter Eggs
Dance aims
To use upper bodies to mime suggested ideas
Spatial Awareness To make a circle
5. Fine motor skills: ‘Hot Cross Buns’ (traditional)
Stir the dough,
Stir the dough.
One a penny, two a penny, Stir the dough.
Draw the crosses,
Draw the crosses.
One a penny, two a penny, Draw the crosses.
Spread the butter/jam/honey...
Hot cross buns (bite),
Hot cross buns (bite).
One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns (bite). (Spoken) Mmm. Delicious!
    PD (MH)
To develop finger dexterity through actions of stirring and pretending to draw crosses with both left and right pointer fingers, and to develop gross motor skills through pretending to put buns in the oven, spreading them with a topping and taking a bite out of them
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
CL (U)
To develop an understanding of stages, sequences and patterns in a song and to understand the meaning of words in a song through actions
M (N)
To count to two and to explore the language of money and payment
To imitate everyday actions from own family and cultural background in pretend play
To move fingers in time with the beat and to sing a familiar song
PSED (MR), (SC/SA) & (F/B), CL (LA) & (S) & EAD (BI)
To pretend to make hot cross buns and to take turns suggesting which toppings to spread on top
Dance Aims
Body Awareness
To isolate one pointer finger to stir the dough and draw the crosses
To mime making hot cross buns
 © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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