Page 46 - Pre-school dance plans term one- ELC parent copy
P. 46
To follow an instruction
CL (U)
To understand the meaning of words through actions
Dance aims
Spatial Awareness To make a circle
5. FineMotorSkills:‘MyFeet’byLucyMilanDavis&SarahMoss
I can make my feet go walking, I can make my feet go running. I can turn them out like this,
I can turn them into kiss.
I can lift my toes up high,
And I can make them wave goodbye.
To develop listening and attention through rhyme
To develop fine motor skills in feet through joining in with the actions
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the words which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
CL (U)
To learn the meaning of words through actions
Dance aims
Body Awareness To isolate feet
To move feet in several different ways as indicated (including with changes in speed)
To start new movements with each new line
Motor Skills
To develop fine motor skills in feet
6. Choreographed Dance: ‘The Hokey Pokey’ by Kids All-Stars
To develop self-awareness through isolating and naming body parts
To develop coordination and control of the whole body through joining in with the actions, to practise the body tension activities of stretching and twisting and to practise gross motor skills including turning, tapping knees, stretching and twisting
To develop fitness
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