Page 48 - Pre-school dance plans term one- ELC parent copy
P. 48
To move rhythmically
To mime using a remote control to change the speed of the song and movement by pressing ‘fast forward’ and ‘slow motion’
Dance aims
To improve balance by performing the dance slowly
Body Awareness
To tap specific body parts as requested
To move slowly and then quickly as indicated
To maintain flexibility in lower back and legs through touching toes
Motor Skills
To improve gross motor skills including tapping several different body parts
To move in time with the rhythm
Strength and Fitness
To improve cardiovascular fitness through performing a high energy dance
8. Working with props: ‘Shake Your Body’ (unknown)
Shake your body, shake, shake your body, Shake your body, shake, shake your body. You turn around.
You touch the ground.
You touch your waist. You boogie down.
To develop self-awareness through naming and touching body parts and to dance in the middle of the circle solo
PSED (MR), CL (LA) & UW (PC) To learn each other's names
PSED (MR) & (F/B) To wait for a turn
To develop coordination and control of the whole body through joining in with the actions, to practise gross motor skills including turning, touching the ground and wriggling downwards and to develop fine motor skills through gripping onto and manipulating an egg shaker
To develop listening and attention through rhyme and the use of props
CL (U)
To learn the meaning of words through actions
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