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Research Report | 33

         Interview Transcript Participant B - Semi-Structured

         Good morning, I just wanted to start by letting you know   How do you do that?
         that at any time if you feel uncomfortable by the line of
         questioning and want me to stop at any point that is com-
         pletely okay. Please answer any questions honestly, and if   •   People are scared of change, it's about presenting a
         you need any clarification on the questioning please let me   model which supports Australian jobs, ensures builders
         know. If at any point after the interview was recorded and   and contractors aren't losing out financially and we are
         you no longer wish to proceed with the publication of the   delivering homes which are actually habitable.
         results, I can erase the recording and any accompanying
         transcripts. Is it okay if I publish some personal information   So from a technical perspective, how is this achieved?
         about you, such as name, age, gender and occupation?
                                                          •   Continuous thermally broken envelope.
         •   David
         Firstly, what is your age?
                                                          •   It's a domino effect, a single bit of polyamide thermal
         •   43                                               break strip between your exterior and interior building
                                                              envelope creates an interior environment which is free
         What is your gender?                                 from condensation and mould, a home which is more
                                                              efficient to run, more thermally comfortable to live in
                                                              and an environment which doesn't create and facilitate
         •   Male                                             health issues within the occupants

         What is your profession?                         So why isn't this standard practice?
         •   I work in fenestration and facade engineering  •   The initial investment is on the developer, the running
                                                              costs are not. Most people don't care about the occu-
         You really hate giving yourself a title don't you?   pants after construction, so why should they pay the ex-
                                                              tra up front for a thermal break if the code only requires
                                                              double glazed aluminium.
         •   Yes
                                                          So how do you envoke change?
         So, let's start with the NCC, what's your standing?
                                                          •   It needs to be about education, if more people knew the
         •   Look, its not just the NCC it's the majority of the indus-  impact of issues such as mould this type of construction-
             try who are stuck in the dark ages               would never get traction, there is too much trust from
                                                              the occupants
         Explain for me?
                                                          How can higher quality appeal to a developer or volume
         •   The lack of adaptation and willingness to accept the
             minimum to me presents an attitude of after its built,
             it's not my problem                          •   The ROI needs to be there, pre-fab is a great start. If
                                                              the systems can be packaged in a way for quick on site
                                                              assembly you can lock up a house in 6 weeks. Instead of
         With your background in fenestration, can you highlight   doing 10 homes a year, they can do 50.
         some examples of what you mean?
                                                          So the package needs to be based around time saving?
         •   I think with fenestration, so little is done locally. They
             don't make glass here except a low E Green from
             Queensland. No one can compete with imports so it's   •   Yes, and ease of install
             a cost driven industry. The cheapest possible option
             for the lowest possible cost, for the lowest possible   Is it really that simple?
             standard. The result, the perfect conditions for mould
             and condensation because none of these products are
             thermally broken.                            •   Yes, I lived in Poland for 5 years and they have been
                                                              doing this for years, I've had Polish friends come and stay
         So what is the response?                             with me here and they can't believe how cold it is in the
                                                              house. They live in -10 degrees, and yet our homes are
         •   Well, that's why we started our company, we think
             everyone deserves to live, work, learn and play in a
             safe comfortable and healthy building environment.
             We don't believe that paying $50k for Passive house
             certification is the solution. A bridge between deemed
             to satisfy solutions and Passive House is what should be
             happening, working with the code to build a roadmap
             to higher performing solutions and methodology.                                                           Brendan Wilson
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