Page 34 - Final_bw_101376401
P. 34

Rsearch Report 34   Appendix

                 Interview Transcript Participant C - Structured

                Good morning, I just wanted to start by letting you know   Okay, so how do you feel about condensation and mould is
                that at any time if you feel uncomfortable by the line of   one of the leading cause of respiratory diseases like asthma?
                questioning and want me to stop at any point that is com-
                pletely okay. Please answer any questions honestly, and if
                you need any clarification on the questioning please let me   •   Shocked by that fact, I did not know that mould contrib-
                know. If at any point after the interview was recorded and   utes to asthma
                you no longer wish to proceed with the publication of the
                results, I can erase the recording and any accompanying   How do you feel about the fact that 40% of homes in Australia
                transcripts. Is it okay if I publish some personal information   are effected by condensation and mould?
                about you, such as name, age, gender and occupation?
                                                                 •   That's a large number I am very shocked
                •   Vivienne
                Firstly, what is your age?
                                                                 •   I didn't know that it was such a prevalent issue
                •   53
                                                                 Do you have an idea who is responsible?
                What is your gender?
                                                                 •   No
                •   Female
                                                                 How would you feel if I told you that these issues were inad-
                What is your profession?                         vertently created by the building regulations?
                •   Cat Physiotherapist                          •   I feel betrayed, because I would expect the building reg-
                                                                     ulations would have a duty of care to the residents. I am
                Have you ever lived in a house/apartment and experienced   frustrated by this. Why don't they do it better?
                                                                 Should there be changes? If so why?
                •   Yes
                                                                 •   Yes, people are getting sick in their homes, and if it is pre-
                Have you ever lived in a house/apartment and experienced   ventable why would you burden the health care system
                mould?                                               with that?

                •   Yes                                          If there was a solution for these changes, would you support
                                                                 it if it meant a higher upfront cost, but less running cost over
                How do you feel about mould?
                                                                 •   Yes
                •   It's yuck
                                                                 Would you live in a smaller house if it was cheaper to run?
                Why do you have this stance?
                                                                 •   Yes
                •   It grosses me out
                                                                 When it is cold, do you prefer to put the heater on, or grab a
                Do you think it's dangerous?                     blanket?

                •   No, I don't think it's dangerous             •   Grab a blanket
                Do you think it's normal for homes to condensate and pro-  Why do you have this stance?
                duce mould?
                                                                 •   I don't want to spend money on heating
                •   No
                                                                 Do you prefer to open a window when it's hot? Or use the
                Okay, how do you feel about the fact that asthma is the   air-conditioner?
                leading cause of respiratory disease in children?
                                                                 •   Air-con
        Brendan Wilson  Why are you saddened?                    Why?
                    I am saddened by it
                                                                     Because it's colder
                    Because there is no cure for asthma
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