P. 50
Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1
Brick Shallow Inspection Chamber System for Below Ground Drainage
System Performance: Design of access chambers for below ground drainage type A.
Base slabs: Designated concretes for drainage applications type A.
Masonry units: Bricks type A.
Support above pipes: Precast concrete lintels.
Preformed channels and benching:
Preformed channels: Plastics channels for access chambers type A and Vitrified clay
channels for access chambers type A.
Benching: Designated concretes for drainage applications type B.
Topping: Wearing screed.
Access components: Access chamber steps type A.
Cover slabs:
Concrete: Designated concretes for drainage applications type C.
Reinforcement: Submit proposals.
Seating: Bricks type B and Precast concrete access cover seatings type A.
Covers and frames: Access covers and frames type A.
Backfill: Submit proposals.
Execution: Formation for beddings in below ground drainage monitoring and control systems type
A; Constructing brick shallow access chambers for below ground drainage type A; Fixing steps in
below ground drainage monitoring and control systems type A; Laying preformed plastics channels,
branches and benching in access chambers for below ground drainage type A; Laying sealed access
fittings, branches and benching in access chambers for below ground drainage type A; and
Installing access covers and frames to chambers for below ground drainage type A.
System Completion: Removal of debris and cleaning below ground drainage monitoring and
control systems type A; Water testing of manholes and inspection chambers for below ground
drainage monitoring and control systems type A; Testing of ancillary components in below ground
drainage monitoring and control systems type A; and Documentation type A.
System Performance
Design of access chambers for below ground drainage type A
Design: Complete the design of the access chamber system.
Standards: To BS EN 752 and in accordance with National Annex NA.
Designated concretes for drainage applications type A
Source: Submit proposals.
Standard: To BS 8500-2.
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McDonalds Restaurants Ltd