P. 54

Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1

             Exfiltration: To BS EN 1610.
             Method: Testing with water (method W).
             Infiltration: No identifiable flow of water penetrating the chamber.

Testing of ancillary components in below ground drainage monitoring and control systems type A
 Components: Attenuation chambers.
 Testing:

             Standard: To BS EN 1610.
             Tests: Exfiltration and Infiltration.
             Method: Testing with air (method L) and Testing with water (method W).

Documentation type A
 Operating and maintenance instructions:

             Scope: Submit for the system giving optimum settings for controls.
             Product information: Include product description, date of purchase, performance

                 characteristics, application (suitability for use), method of operation and control, and
                 cleaning and maintenance requirements.
             Format: Paper copy and electronic
             Number of copies: Three.
 Record drawings:
             Content: Location, size and route of below ground drainage services and Location of outlets.
             Format: A1 paper print and Electronic.
             Number of copies: Three.
 Submittal date: At handover.

Ω End of system

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