Page 12 - McD_5120-A1 Multi point DT service manual 120828_Neat
P. 12

ERDDS signs                                                                                                    TYPICAL INFORMATION

8.3 Illuminated signage                                                                                        9.0 External works

Totem 4-                 2 2500mm from centre of COD to double triple                                          9.1 Groundworks
2 bay triple                  menu sign for both COD units
Menu / price sign:                                                                                             All kerblines to be installed in proprietary concrete kerbs as set out on the Architects drawings set in a full
Totem 3-                 3 Prior to first COD. Three are preferred, one is                                     concrete haunch.
Menu signs:                   the minimum
Pre sale options                                                                                               Drive thru lane finish to be as indicated on the Architects drawings, namely one of three options (always used
Hero menu board          1 Adjacent second COD but visible from both                                           equally in both the primary and secondary lanes):
                              order points
                                                                                                               Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) to match existing
Gateway                  1 Located at the start of the DT sequence                                             Printed concete to match existing
                                                                                                               Block paving to match existing.
Height restrictor
                                                                                                               If all the existing drive thru lane surface is replaced, the new surface to be stone mastic asphalt.
Welcome/ directional 1 At entrance to the site.
                                                                                                               Island finish to be block pavers in herringbone pattern. Colour as architects drawings.
sign                                                                                                           Pavers to be Marshalls Keyblok 200x100x60mm.

(when installed)                                                                                               Mass concrete foundation to be provided to all signs and COD units throughout the DT sequence as set out on
                                                                                                               the architects drawings and in line with the current standards in appendix 4. Contractor to inform McDonald’s
See you soon             1 At exit from the site.                                                              Project Manager where extraordinary ground conditions are observed for site specific foundation design by a
                                                                                                               competent Structural Engineer
/directional sign (when
                                                                                                               9.2 Duct routes
                                                                                                               Reference to be made to existing surveys and as-built information available on Aconex.
8.4 Non illuminated signage                                                                                    New duct routes to be provided to all externally illuminated signage, suitably connected to accessible draw pits.
                                                                                                               Each COD unit should have 4No 50mm ducts between it and the building as set out in appendix 1
COD and Canopy           2 Includes vertical lettering “order here” text.
                                                                                                               All ducts to be provided by 100mm dia UPVC tube laid min cover -300mm, more typically -600mm below local
GENERAL:                                                                                                       finish level. Straight ducts must be retained in place with concrete haunches at min 1200mm centres. Any bends
                                                                                                               within the duct to be fully set in concrete and must be formed in propriety 100mm dia swept bends (not tight 90
The outer face of any signs to the face of the kerb should be a minimum of 200mm.Signs to include grill bays,  degrees).
disabled parking, noise/neighbours, litter etc.
                                                                                                               Draw pits should be installed as required where numerous ducts congregate for pulling into the building or
Other signage to be considered on a site by site basis:                                                        further around the site. Duct chambers to be 600x600mm footprint with proprietary flush metal cover plates. All
    • Banners                                                                                                  ducts to be laid with draw wires ready for pulling of electrical cables. Refer to appendix 4 for typical layout
    • Drive totems                                                                                             information

8.5 Road markings            All direction arrows, “drive thru” text, lane                                     9.3 Drainage.
General                      markings etc to be yellow.
                                                                                                               Existing drains survey to be procured. Proposed drainage as indicated on architects drawings. The contractor to
COD                          Yellow Thermoplastic line central to COD                                          notify any discrepancies prior to altering proposed works.
                             location + ‘ORDER HERE’ text above line and
                             central to lane width, also in yellow.                                            9.4 Levels.

NW5120-A1 Multi point DT service manual 120828/AC                                                              McDonalds to procure topographical survey. Proposed levels as indicated on architects drawings.

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