Page 28 - B6118-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_(P18)_Contractors Manual
P. 28


       D2 Instore Shopfronts (Exterior)

       D2.4 Shopfront Display

       Beyond  the  physical layout,  signage  and           Where ‘MMM’ bars cannot be used, the scheme
       digital posters, the style and quality of furniture   specific  feature  chairs  should  be  located  in
       and  lighting  has  a  significant  impact  on  the   the  shopfront.  Refer  to  interior  section  of  this
       aesthetics and appeal of the shopfront.               document.

       ‘MMM’  bars    should    be  used  in  all  instore   Furniture in the shopfront should be enhanced
                                                             by the use of scheme specific pendant lights.
       shopfronts  unless  site  specific  constraints       Where ‘MMM’ bars are utilised, pendant lights
       prevent  this.  The  ‘MMM’  bars  have  integral      should be set out over each tray position with
       low level lighting. This one element of furniture     the underside of all  pendant lights set to a
       provides mood  lighting  and  additional brand        consistent height. Where other feature seating
       presence in the high street whilst demonstrating      types are used, pendant lights should be
       change  externally.  It  is  also  a  very  efficient   centred over individual tables.
       seating element, usually resulting in the increase
       of  seats per  square meter  in this area.  Like
       communal tables, ‘MMM’ bars work on a 600mm
       incremental basis, with options indicated in the
       furniture setting out section of this document.

       D2.4           Shopfront Display                    3.0                        15 January 2016
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