Page 47 - B6118-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_(P18)_Contractors Manual
P. 47
With four elevations, the approach to building
signage follows a number of simple principles:
- A golden arch should be located on every
white drive thru roof panel for folded roofs.
- There should be a maximum of one golden
arch and one McDonald’s letter set on each
elevation (except for folded roof drive thru
elevation – see previous).
- A McDonald’s letter set should appear on the
front elevation.
- Where an elevation has no presence to the
road or car park then signage should not be
- All signage should be internally illuminated.
- Golden arches are always yellow.
- McDonald’s text is always white.
- Golden arch sizes and McDonald’s text sizes
are proportional to each other and should
only be seen together as set out in this guide
or in The Golden Arches Code.
D3.7 Building Aesthetics and Signage 1.0 08 October 2014