Page 28 - McD_Guideline E3 Mix 2015_EN_Europe_BD
P. 28


CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                      To do
Compact laminated outdoor furniture
                                                                            INTERMEDIARY CLEANINGS                SANITIZING CLEANING
The decorative laminate that is used to make up                                        during the day                    once a day only
your outdoor tables is a composite material:
                                                                            Clean with a soft damp cloth.                      SOAP
> Especially resistant to knocks and mechanical stress
> Rotproof and which does not collect fungus or mould                                                                 Clean with hot water and soap.
> Moisture and steam resistant,
> Abrasion- and scratch-proof
> Suitable for food contact in compliance with European standards
> Which has a good resistance to UV rays (5 years): slight discolouring
has to be tolerated.

The compact laminated panels have no particular maintenance
requirement. However, the daily combination of ultraviolet rays and
chlorine-based cleaning products may cause accelerated bleaching of
the surfaces.

In order to limit this rather unattractive reaction, which in no way casts
doubt upon the tables’ mechanical resistance, we give the following

                                                                                                           Not to do

                                                                            ! Do not use chlorine-based    McDO   ! Do not use products which
                                                                                    cleaning products      Force          ingredients are corrosive

                                                                            ! Do not use high-pressure            ! Do not use products which ?
                                                                                    cleaning machine                      ingredients are unknown

                                                                                                                  ! Do not use abrasive
                                                                                                                          sponges or metal wools

83 rue Fontgiève - 63057 CLERMONT-FERRAND Cedex 1 - FRANCE                  Durability of the surface and the edges can only be guaranteed if the products mentioned above are used
Tél. 00 (33) 4 73 31 86 86 - Fax 00 (33) 4 73 31 86 98                      scrupulously. We cannot be responsible in any way if any detergents containing chlorine, acid pH, alkaline pH                                                            or abrasive substances were to be used on the surfaces or edges of the panel.


Aubrilam undertakes on a guarantee of 3 years on fault, manufacturing defect or
defective raw materials.

This guarantee is made taking into consideration the use under normal operating

- On a private terrace
- Complying with assembly instructions and recommendations
- Excluding damage, vandalism and graffiti
- Excluding the use of high pressure cleaning methods and chemical cleaning
products (solvents, chlorine)

Experience feedback :

We noticed no degradation of the components of the range Euroline 3 (laminate
HPL, plywood, steel) on 13 000 products delivered for 4 years on McDonald's
terraces throughout Europe.

AUBRILAM - RANGE EUROLINE 3 MIX 2015 - EUROPE                                                                                                                                              28
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