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NEW FEATURE INSIDE: “Happy Tails” Success Story, page 4

                                                                                                  February 2020

                                                                   Every Animal Should Enjoy Life!


      •  Calendar of Events .............................2
      •  Spotlight on Our Volunteers: Bo
      •  Animals For Adoption .......................4
      •  Happy Tails: Success Story ...............4
      •  Pet Adoption Days..............................5
      •  Did You Know? Dog Training
       Program Details ..................................6
      •  Volunteering with EASEL  ................6
      •  Contact Us/Hours of Operation.....6

      Double the Benefits:

      How Fostering Helps
      EASEL while Easing

      Your Tax Burden

      The start of a new year! The perfect   Welcome to 2020!
      time of year for new beginnings, New
      Year’s Resolutions…and taxes?
            Unfortunately, our furry family   EASEL Q1 Milestones & Updates
      members still cannot be claimed as
      dependents on our tax returns. But did   WE HEAR YOU!                             This newsletter is the first step!
      you know that if you foster animals for                                     Through this quarterly communication,
      a certified 501(c)(3) organization (like         In 2019, EASEL embarked on our   we will keep you updated on future
      EASEL), you can claim expenses related   volunteer program assessment to    activities, processes, and improvements
      to your fostering on your taxes!      gain insight about what we can do to   that we are putting in place as a result of
            Like most things related to taxes   better engage with our volunteers. We   your valuable input.
      – it isn’t entirely cut and dry. Only   are excited to announce that we have
      expenses directly related to fostering   completed this assessment and are ready   TRAILER #2 IS UP AND
      are valid and claimable. This means   to hit the ground running in 2020!    RUNNING
      that while your car repairs may not be         We would like to first sincerely thank         For our community members and
      a deductible expenses (even if you got   all of our volunteers, without whom we   volunteers who may not have visited our
      a flat while transporting your fosters),   could not exist. In addition, we sincerely   site in some time, we have a new addition,
      things like pet food, supplies, vet bills   appreciate your taking a little extra time   and it’s a big one! EASEL has set up a
      and mileage transporting your foster   to complete the questionnaire. We take all   second trailer on the shelter grounds.
      babies can likely be claimed on your   of your recommendations seriously and   It was delivered in September and is now
      taxes. Depending on the size of your   are carefully considering each one. We   fully functional.
      fostering operation, you may even be   look forward to implementing some of         As a result, we have made the
      able to claim a portion of your  home   your suggestions and recommendations   following organizational changes to allow
      utilities.                            in the coming months.                 you all to work in quieter, less congested
            So besides the tax benefits, why else                                 spaces.

             Continued on page 2                                                         Continued on page  5

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