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EASEL News: February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                 EASEL News: February 2020
                                                                                                                               SPOTLIGHT ON OUR VOLUNTEERS:

                                                                                                                               Bo Hitchcock

                                                                                                                                    When Bo Hitchcock first retired
                                                                                                                               from his 30-year career as the Director
                                                                                                                               of Facilities at the Lawrence Township
                                                                                                                               Board of Education in 2015, he sought an
     Calendar of Events                                                                                                        activity to ease him into the transition of
                                                                                                                               retired life. He turned to EASEL as a way
                                                                                                                               of giving his time and energy to a good
   Wednesday, February 12                                                                                                      cause, helping cats and dogs in need of
   Candle Maker Fundraiser                                                                                                     homes – and in need of a loving touch.

                                                                                                                                    As it turns out, our furry friends
   On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina,                                                                                      also return the favor: he gets as
   Princeton                                                                                                                   much enjoyment out of the animals’
                                                                                                                               companionship while in his care, as they
   Come craft your own artisinal candle! When                                                                                  do from interacting with our very own
   you buy a ticket to this event, $15 will be                                                                                 resident “Cat Daddy.”
   donated to EASEL.  A local artist guides                                                                                         Bo has played an instrumental role at
   you and your friends through two hours of                                                                                   EASEL, as he began volunteering with
   painting, drinking, and laughing ‘til your                                                                                  both dogs and cats. Since beginning
   cheeks hurt. The best part? You don’t have to   Tax Benefits                  •  Unfortunately, some of our animals         his volunteer time with EASEL, he has
   be an artist to have an amazing time. Join us                                 have medical issues that require              walked dogs, fostered cats and kittens,
   as we raise glasses and funds! Total price of the   (continued from page 1)   specialized attention that is best given      and now dedicates his volunteer hours to
   event is $55 per person. Click here for more                                  in a home environment.                        improving the demeanors of some of the
   information and to register.              should you foster with EASEL?             So what are some things to              shelter cats through the Cat Pawsitive
                                                   Fostering is an important part of   remember about claiming fostering       Pro effort.
                                             EASEL’s mission. Our fosters provide   expenses on your taxes?                         Cat Pawsitive is an initiative created
   Thursday, April 16                        an invaluable service and are a critical   1.  You must foster through a 501(c)(3)   by the Jackson Galaxy Project, a 501c3   lead to respiratory illnesses and other   took the training through EASEL and
   Paint Your Pet!                           piece of getting our animals adopted to   organization, like EASEL.               organization founded by Jackson      factors that may deem them to be less   now applies certain fundamentals and
                                             their fur-ever homes. Animals are placed   2.  The expenses claimed must be solely   Galaxy, star of the television show “My   “adoptable.”                techniques from that program to help
   Pinot’s Palette                           in foster homes for a number of reasons:  related to fostering. What does this mean?   Cat from Hell.” He launched the Cat        The initiative enables volunteers to   him interact with scared and aggressive
   127 Village Blvd, Princeton, NJ           •  Very young puppies and kittens        •  Vet bills and pet supplies for your   Pawsitive initiative to help shelter cats   train in techniques that lead to behavior   cats when they first arrive in our care.
                                             remain in foster homes until they are   foster babies – YES!                      avoid the stresses of shelter life that can   enrichment and physical activity that        Bo’s patient and gentle personality
   Paint a portrait of your pet at Project Pet! $10   old enough to safely be at the shelter        •  Mileage and gas – MAYBE (only                                can transform the cat’s personality. Bo   makes him ideal to work with the
   of every seat will be donated to EASEL.   full-time. Typically, this means until   for times when you are only traveling                                                                             frightened kittens and adult cats here
                                             they have naturally weaned from their   because of the foster animals).            EASEL’s Cat Pawsitive Program                                           so that they are able to adjust to safe
   Once you sign up for the event, email     mother and their immune systems have        •  Utilities bills – PROBABLY NOT                                                                              cohabitation with humans. Bo’s work is with a high   developed. Keeping young animals    (unless you are fostering a significantly             The Cat Pawsitive program was developed by Jackson Galaxy and a team of   instrumental to developing a timid cat’s
   quality digital photo (.jpg) of your pet (one   in foster homes also allows them to   large number of animals).              animal behavior experts and uses positive-reinforcement clicker training initiative   confidence to be able to transition to
   pet per canvas, please), and  the artists will do   receive more individual attention from   3.  Keep records and receipts for all of the   to build new skills for cats as well as shelter staff and volunteers, promotes the   their futures inside of a loving home.
   the rest. Each photo will be transferred onto a   humans than they would at the shelter   expenses you plan to claim.        human-cat bond, and helps improve adoptability.                               “I have patience and the time to work
   16”X20” canvas before you arrive. During the   and results in far better socialization.   4.  If any of your purchases exceed $250,          “By utilizing positive, reward-based Cat Pawsitive training, shelter volunteers   with them, and I’m very slow moving and
   event, artists will lead you step-by-step while   Animals that are more socialized have   you must get a letter from EASEL, prior to   and staff members reduce the stresses that might keep a cat from connecting   very gentle,” Bo explains. “I don’t try to
   you enjoy your favorite beverage and watch   easier transitions into shelter life and are   filing your taxes, stating the amount and   with an adopter.,” the Cat Pawsitive site explains. “With clicker training that   pet them or pick them up. I just try to get
   your pet portrait come to life!           adopted more quickly.               the value of any goods/services you may        positively reinforces good behaviors, a shy cat can learn to feel comfortable   them to respond positively to me. About
                                             •  The shelter can be a very scary place   have received in return.                coming up to the front of her cage to meet a potential pet parent, a feisty cat can   70 percent of the time, eventually after
   After registration, no refunds will be given.   for cats or dogs with higher levels of                                       learn to play nice, and an outgoing kitty can even learn to give an endearing ‘high   doing that for some time, when I start
   **Registration for this class will close 2 weeks   anxiety. Some of our more timid and   Girard Pisaro, CPA and EASEL volunteer/cat foster   five’ to his visitors to seal an adoption deal. Cats gain confidence and get mental   talking to them, they get up from inside
   prior to class date**                     frightened animals are placed in foster   provided information for this article.   and physical stimulation through their clicker training sessions, and soon they are   the back of their cages and come up to
                                             homes to help them relax and adapt   For information on fostering cats,            building connections with staff, volunteers and potential adopters.”    the cage door, which is a huge progress.
   For a full list of details about photograph   to their new environment gradually.   email Barb Amideneau at bea2233@                EASEL volunteers took the training through the Cat Pawsitive program, which        “There’s no magic to what I do,” he
   requirements and instructions, and to register   Foster families help these animals gain For information on   offers online training conducted by feline experts. They also receive exclusive   adds. “It’s just time and patience and
   for the event, click here.                confidence and comfort with their new   fostering dogs, email Iain McWhinney       training tools from the Jackson Galaxy Project and exposure through the project’s   perseverance.”
                                             surroundings before bringing them   at                    own social media outlets. EASEL is listed as one of only a little more than 100
    Visit EASEL’s website for more information.  back to the shelter.                                                           organizations to have taken the training and have participated in the program.  Continued on page 5

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