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EASEL News: February 2020                                                            EASEL News: February 2020

 Happy Tails: From Dire to Healthy and Homed!   Milestones (continued from page 1)

      Main Shelter: a dedicated medical   But.... we’re not done yet! Stay          Pet Adoptions
       One of our wonderful and dedicated   neurologically impaired. Dr. Duggan began         The strong bond that developed   room with examination table   tuned as further enhancements are
 veterinarians, Dr. Duggan, not only treated   to fear the worse, and assumed that rather   between patient and doctor persists to this   (donated by Lawrence Animal   made to the entry and guest sign-in
 and nursed Duchess, a 7-year-old surrender   than recovery, Duchess would require   day. After nursing Duchess back to health,   Hospital) and work bench is now   process and donation drop off.  Cats & Dogs
 back to health, she adopted her!   hospice care.   she decided to adopt her.  set up to accommodate on-site   These spaces will serve us well;   Everyday / EASEL / 12-3p.m.
       When Duchess arrived at EASEL, she         Miraculously, Duchess not only survived,         “Honestly, she’s still with me pretty   veterinary care. Here are some more   however, EASEL is actively seeking   Wednesday evenings 5-7p.m.,
 was in desperate need of medical care.   she largely recovered and is now a “pretty   much every minute of every day,  details about our re-organized digs:   a location for a larger shelter, so if   4 Jake Garzio Drive, Ewing
 After performing surgery on her patient,   normal” dog who enjoys her new home.   and she just makes me smile every time I   you know of any good properties in
 Dr. Duggan thought that Duchess would   While undoubtedly Dr. Duggan’s skills as   look at her,” said Dr. Duggan.  Trailer 1: the green trailer in the   the area, please send suggestions
 require vigilant care, and kindly brought   a surgeon were vital, when pressed, she         With support and love like that, it’s   front of our site contains space for   to Karen Azarchi kazarchi@easelnj.
 her home. Not only did Duchess appear   agrees that Duchess responded to her love   no wonder that Duchess continues to   meet-and-greets for dog adoption   org.  Cat Adoption Day
 blind, deaf, and lethargic, she seemed  and care.   show improvement.dipiscing. Donec quis   activities as well as:  Special Events
 Who Will Be Our Next Happy Tail?  - dedicated office space for the   AND NOW A WORD   Every Saturday / Petsmart / 12-3p.m.
                                       FROM OUR SPONSORS...
 Featured: EASEL Pets for Adoption   Operations Director (Mark) and         On January 6, the Pedigree   Nassau Park Blvd, Princeton
      Assistant Managers (Kim and
      Victoria)                        Foundation awarded EASEL a grant              Select Events at Petco,
                                       in the amount of $1,000 to support       440 U.S. 130, #12A, East Windsor:
      - flexible meeting space for group   the Adoption Preparation Program.
      projects and volunteer training  This money will be used to defray              Sat, Feb 15 /  11-1pm
                                       some of our spay/neuter expenses.               Sat, Mar 7 /  11-1pm
      Trailer 2 (new, purple trailer):  The grant announcement with more              Sat, Mar 14 /  11-1pm
                                                                                      Sat, Mar 21 /  11-1pm
      - space to house some of our cats,   detail can be found on the EASEL
 Nod  Winken  Clamer Mom  Scarlet  quietly away from the dogs and   Facebook page.     Sat, Apr 4 /  11-1pm
 Young/ Male/ Large /Neutered  Young/ Male/ Large /Neutered  Adult/ Female/ Medium /  Senior/ Female/   other noises from other activities.

 Winken, Blinken and Nod. That’s how this trio started, but   Spayed  Medium/ Spayed
 now they are Winken and Nod. These loving boys have   This cutie is a friendly,   This sweetheart   Bo Hitchcock (continued from page 3)  Dog Adoption Day
 come a long way: from initially shying away from human   funny, affectionate   came to EASEL when        Bo acknowledges that there is no   freezes,” Bo explains. “Realizing that,   Special Events
 touch to excitedly running to the door of their cages to   former outdoor cat. She  her owner was evict-  set timeline for how long a cat will   I actually have picked him up and
 greet the shelter caretakers for some love! They are self-  loves to play with cats,   ed from the home,   come around. It can take anywhere   just held him right in my arms for   Sat, Feb 15/ 11- 1 pm
 confident and happy and are ready to find their forever   and gets along well   along with 7 other   from days to weeks to months of   20 minutes at a time and slowly   Concord Pet Food & Supplies,
                                       put him back in his cage. I keep
      work for a cat to feel comfortable
 homes. Please consider our teenagers and older kittens   with dogs! She’d make   cats. Scarlett is very   with humans. That’s why patience is   repeating that the following days I   Princeton Shopping Center, Princeton
 when adopting. They need someone to cuddle with, too!  a perfect addition to   friendly to people,   such an important part of his work.   visit.”
                                                                                     Sat, March 7/ 11- 1 pm
 any home!  dogs and other cats.  Making the wrong move can cause         While some kittens or cats will   Concord Pet Food & Supplies,
      a cat to go back into hiding again,   snarl or growl at people, all they   Princeton Shopping Center, Princeton
      and lead to starting over with the   need is a loving touch and some
      behavior training. He now visits the   time, and they will acclimate, Bo       Sun, March 8 /  12-2pm
      shelter at least three days each week   explains.                                ADOPTION EVENT
      to work with our cats.               “It’s just little steps to make         Petco, Mercer Mall, Route 1,
           Some kittens and cats require   progress,” he says.   Bo’s commitment         Lawrenceville
      extra attention.  “A few days ago, we   to our cats has its perks, but Bo is as
                                                                                     Sat, March 21/ 11- 1 pm
 Rosco  Remy  Lucky  Forrest  received a kitten to the shelter who   humble as he is caring.   Concord Pet Food & Supplies,
 Adult/ Male/ Neutered  Senior/ Female/ Spayed  Adult/ Male/ Neutered  Young/ Male/ Neutered  gets so scared of humans that he        “It’s really about the cats, not me,”   Princeton Shopping Center, Princeton
 American Staffordshire Terrier  American Staffordshire Terrier  American Staffordshire Terrier   American Staffordshire Terrier    he says. But he acknowledges: “It
 Rosco is a big boy   Remy is an older   & Labrador Retriever Mix  & Labrador Retriever Mix  makes me feel good that I am doing   Sat, Apr 4/ 11- 1 pm
 with a lot of love to   girl but moves like   Lucky is a big, friendly   Forrest is a very sweet   something for the cats but that I also   Concord Pet Food & Supplies,
                                       get something out of it as well.”
 give! He has partial   a much younger   boy who loves to give   and friendly young        In fact, Bo didn’t let a recent   Princeton Shopping Center, Princeton
 paralysis of his face   dog. She is active for   kisses. He is very well   dog with an adorable   snowy Saturday deter him from a
 but, it doesn’t stop   her age and enjoys   behaved and will make   personality. If you are   special visit.
 him from always   walks. She loves to   an excellent compan-  looking for a loyal      “One of the cats I trained is going   Click here for more
 being happy. He will   cuddle in her bed   ion. He is about 5 years   companion full of zest,   to Petsmart now on his way to being   information.
 make a great com-  and get affection.   old and roughly 60lbs.   Forrest is your guy.   adopted,” he says. “I want to go back
                                       up there and let him know that I
 For our full list of adoptable pets, visit  remember him.”

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