P. 3


               Days went by, and Tim waited anxiously for his dinosaur egg to hatch. He took

               care of it every day, keeping it warm and making sure it did not fall off the top
               of his cupboard where he was keeping it. Finally, one day, he saw a small crack

               on the egg, then another, and another and a tiny little paw came out of the
               shell.  As Tim watched in amazement, more of the dinosaur started to emerge

               from the egg. First came the legs, then the body, and finally the head. The baby
               dinosaur looked up at Tim with big, curious eyes, and Tim felt his heart swell
               with joy.

               He carefully picked up the baby dinosaur and held it in his hands. The dinosaur

               was small and fragile, but Tim knew that he had a big responsibility to take
               care of his new pet dinosaur, Tim had set up a warm, cosy spot for his new

               baby dinosaur to sleep. He had read books about how to take care of baby
               dinosaurs, so he knew exactly what to do. He fed the dinosaur a special

               formula that he had bought from the pet store, and the baby dinosaur eagerly
               drank it up.

               Tim spent the next few days taking care of the baby dinosaur. He made sure
               that it was warm and comfortable, and he fed it every few hours. He even sang

               lullabies to the dinosaur to help it fall asleep.
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