Page 91 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 91


                                   PASSENGER CARBON EMISSIONS

                                   DECREASE MORE THAN 50%

                           The introduction of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)
                                   will ensure carbon-neutral growth on international flights from 2020.Photo by Chris Leipelt

                                            trillion in new aircraft since 2009, and in   have been made in recent months to levy
                                            addition have signed forward purchase   air passenger taxes, including in France,
          The International Air Transport   agreements for sustainable aviation fuel   Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
          Association (IATA) published information   (SAF) amounting to approximately (US) $6   "Taxation aimed at stopping people
          confirming that carbon emissions per   billion.                      from exercising their freedom to fly will
          passenger have declined by more than    In addition, the introduction of the   make travel more expensive but do very
          50% since 1990. Much of the improvement   Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme   little to reduce emissions. It is a politician's
          has occurred because the industry   for International Aviation (CORSIA) will   feel-good solution, without taking
                                                                               responsibility for the negative impact it has
          has achieved an annual fuel efficiency   ensure carbon-neutral growth on interna-  on the economy or the mobility restrictions
          improvement of 2.3% over the period since   tional flights from 2020 and raise around   it imposes on people with lower incomes,"
          2009, some 0.8 percentage points ahead   (US) $40 billion in climate finance.    said de Juniac.
          of target.                                                             Long-term, aviation is aiming to reduce
           This progress is a combination of   ALTERNATIVE MEASURES ARE        emissions with cleaner technology. This
          investments in more efficient aircraft and   INEFFICIENT AND FAIL TO CUT   will require a financially sound airline
          operational efficiencies.         CARBON                             sector capable of funding the significant
           "Cutting per passenger emissions in half   Analysis from IATA shows that efforts to   investments that will be needed to make
          is an amazing achievement of the technical   deliberately suppress air travel through   flying sustainable.
          expertise and innovation in the aviation in-  punitive passenger taxes are inefficient and   "Governments must focus their efforts
          dustry. But we have even bigger ambitions.   largely ineffective at reducing carbon.  correctly. Flying drives prosperity. It is not
          From 2020 we will cap net emissions. And   The CORSIA scheme's effectiveness lies   the enemy. Cutting carbon must at the
          by 2050 we will cut emissions to half 2005   in its global scope. It is estimated it will   forefront. And government leadership is
          levels. Accomplishing these targets means   reduce emissions by around 2.5 billion   needed to incentivise the commerciali-
          continued investment in new technology,   tonnes over the lifetime of the scheme.   sation of sustainable aviation fuels, drive
          sustainable fuels and operational improve-  But global goodwill towards implementing   efficiencies in air traffic management and
          ments," said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA   CORSIA is being compromised by govern-  support research into next generation
          director general and CEO.         ments introducing a patchwork of carbon   low-carbon energy sources," said de Juniac.
           Airlines have invested some (US) $1   taxes. A series of decisions or proposals   Q

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