Page 94 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 94


                                  CRIME-FIGHTING DRONES

                                  NEED A LITTLE HELP

              he City of Cape Town recently pub-
        Tlicly announced its intenti on to pilot

        a fleet of drones for crime prevention. This
        would make it the first municipality in South

        Africa to embrace drone technology to com-
        bat crime. As to be expected, a pioneering

        declaration like this divides the crowd.

         To the backers this is an exciting time,
        where citizens stand to benefit from

        advances in drone technology and the

        potential to leverage artificial intelligence

        that interprets a live onboard video feed to
        improve safety. To the sceptics, concerns of

        privacy for citizens and references to a lack

        of policy and regulation are top-of-mind.

         Each municipality, province or nation
        should determine its level of readiness
        across the range of use cases it perceives
        drones could add the most value.
         But what happens once the green light
        has been granted?

         Drone flight in South Africa is still reg-  Soon the industrial grade drones that   tured could be leased out at a fee for the

        ulated by the SA Civil Aviation Authority,   cost tens of thousands of Rand – sporting   period needed during a trial. It’s exciting -

        which means there are restrictions in terms   onboard cameras that cost as much - will   but also a little scary.

        of where drones can be flown or operated.   be far more accessible to middle class   CROWDSOURCED MODEL TAKES
        There are also licenses that are required   residents. With the surge in the number   FLIGHT
        for individuals and companies wishing to   of drones in residence, gaining visibility of

        operate drones. These regulatory wrinkles   them will become a priority.   The possibilities we open through a
        will need to be ironed out if public and   The Swiss government is already promot-  connected ecosystem are shrouded by the

        private sector entities wish to deploy drone   ing a central flight management system   anxiety caused by an invasion of personal

        technology to solve key challenges.  that allows visibility of drone service pro-  privacy and lack of control over private
                                           viders across a network.            property. Perhaps, then, if the model
        AFFORDABILITY, TECH ADVANCES                                           changed from residents buying drones to
                                             To the individual drone owner, a govern-
        DRIVING ADOPTION                   ment adopting this framework would spark   leasing them from the government it would

        What we can expect to see is that, as with   concerns around institutional control over   calm the nerves, knowing that the device

        other technologies exhibiting Moore’s law,   private drones, or the potential for this net-  was not actually theirs in the first place.

        the performance of drone technology will   work to be hacked. On the positive side, it   Where else could crowdsourcing add value

        continue to double year on year, while the   presents an opportunity for private drones   in the drone economy? How would we be re-

        cost reduces accordingly. The onboard   to be hired by the minute for specific jobs   imbursed for the time that people, companies

        artificial intelligence technology, however,   that allow government and corporate enti-  and government departments are using our

        is improving at an exponential rate and   ties to extend their fleet.  drones? As payment, would a credit towards

        the use cases for deploying drones in a   Imagine, in the crime reaction context,   utility accounts be favoured, or perhaps it’s as

        municipal or corporate context will grow   that the police services would be able to   simple as earning credits to use the same gov-

        rapidly as pattern recognition, streaming   enlist your drone to support a pursuit in   ernment-owned drone for leisure purposes.

        analytics and other intelligent solutions   progress, that the control of the drone   Would we even want to use it for leisure

        become readily available.          could be handed over to their central   purposes, or rather acknowledge that these
         For municipalities, as they progress toward   control room and that, once suspects have   are for intended use only? Perhaps the needs

        the realization of a smart, more connected,   been apprehended, the onboard video cap-  for the fleet would change and we could

        future cities strategy, investing in intelligent                       simply rent out our roof space as a docking

        technologies is a critical step. This, as part of                      station to charge nearby drones in need of a
        a broader shift to run cities as Intelligent En-                       top up.

        terprises, will drive greater standards of qual-                        These are the possibilities in the drone

        ity and consistency in service delivery while                          economy. The kit, the platforms, the intelli-
        ensuring peace-of-mind amongst citizens.                               gent technologies, and the revenue models

         The tech drives the increased adoption,                               are all the easy bits. The difficulty comes in

        the adoption drives the lower prices and                               getting stakeholders to align and to agree

        the increased demand drives advances in                                on purpose, on policy and on protection of

        the tech. It’s a magic cycle.                                          the citizens’ interests. Q
                                                  World Airnews | January 2020
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