Page 55 - World Airnews Magazine July Edition 2020
P. 55


                                       LEONARDO GAINS EASA


                                            the new Phase 5 avionics release can
                                            also operate to the higher altitude.
         Leonardo Helicopters has secured     Maximum take-off and landing
         European certification for the Safran   altitude also grows to 14,000ft, up
         Helicopter Engines Aneto-1K-powered   from 8,000ft previously. Maximum
         variant of its AW189 super-medium twin.   take-off weight for the AW189K is
                                            8.6t, in line with the higher limit
           Issued on 8 June by the European   available on CT7-powered versions.
         Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the   However, the EASA document notes
         approval added the higher-power Aneto to   that “operations in limited icing condi-
         the existing GE Aviation CT7-2E1 engine on   tions and operations in known icing
         the type.                          conditions are not allowed on AW189
           EASA type certification documentation   with Safran Aneto-1K engines.”  Gulf Helicopters of Qatar is the launch
         shows the Aneto-1K-equipped variant - the   Leonardo Helicopters launched the   customer for the variant, with deliveries
         AW189K - can operate up to 15,000ft, some   AW189K in 2017, with the 2,500shp   of an undisclosed quantity due to start in
         5,000ft more than the baseline GE-engined   (1,860kW) Aneto-1K achieving certification   mid-2021. Q
         model.                             in December 2019. It provides 25% more   Article courtesy: https://www.flightglob-
           However, GE-powered helicopters with   power than the CT7, the airframer said.




         HINDERED BY


                                            systems in view
                                            of the COVID-19
         Indications are that Nigeria's planned   pandemic before
          re-opening of local airports have been   re-opening the
          slowed down by multiple hurdles in the   airports for
          aviation sector.                  operations.
           As the most populous African country   In addition to               definitely on June 21. This is not a feasible
          strives to navigate the challenges posed by   this, most aviation workers in the country   date to resume operations," Musa Nuhu,
          the COVID-19 pandemic, the government   had not been paid their wages since the   director-general of the NCAA, told the
          shut down airports and are now consider-  country was locked down by the authorities   media in Abuja.
          ing the re-opening.               since March, the aviation union said.  According to Nuhu, the NCAA would not
           Current indications are the re-opening is   Noting that the aviation sector is key   approve the resumption of flight opera-
          ‘unrealistic’ for now, the Nigerian Senate   to the socio-economic development of   tions until it is satisfied that the operations
          said after a meeting between lawmakers   Nigeria, Adeyemi said the legislature was   can be carried out "in a safe and organized
          and local aviation workers recently.  in talks with the executive to address the   manner."
           "Though you emphasized the need to   general issues.                  "We (the NCAA) will not be pressured to
          unlock the airport, the fact remains that   "The aviation sector cannot be compro-  approve resumption because doing that
          there are quite a number of issues that   mised for any reason, given its importance   without the appropriate checks would be
          are begging for answers," Smart Adeyemi,   to economic development. There must   disastrous," he said.
          chairman of the Nigerian Senate committee   be mechanisms put in place to ensure   As a precondition for re-opening the
          on aviation, told the Air Transport Services   safety and confront the challenges facing   airports, aviation expert Llitrus Ahmadu
          Senior Staff Association who raised some   the sector before unlocking the airports,"   said there is a need for the government to
          concerns experienced by local aviation   Adeyemi said.               ensure the proper provision of protective
          workers due to the pandemic.        In a similar development, the Nigerian   equipment and other protocols, including
           The representatives of aviation workers   Civil Aviation Authority said the date earlier   the re-certification of pilots, airworthiness
          said at the meeting that there was a need   set for the resumption of flights is no   of the aircraft, and payment of the workers'
          for special financial intervention and pro-  longer feasible.        salary, among other multiple issues that are
          vision of necessary protocols, protective   "We never said aviation is going to start   currently being raised. Q

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