Page 10 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
P. 10
aviation organisation. Think Aeroprakt
hence the designation of ‘Micro Unmanned A-22 Foxbat in South African Airways livery
outh African drone expert, qualified Aerial System’ as the programme name. (might not be farfetched with their financial
Sfl ight examiner and internati onal Quite a few lectures were given on how history unfortunately) but some readers
training and flight operations consultant drones fit in with the United Nations day to would probably rather just learn how to sail
Justin Melman spoke to World Airnews day defensive and limited offensive abilities a cardboard box instead, at the thought of
at multiple types of installations and inte-
editor Heidi Gibson about the impact gration with other layered drone systems having to go through that.
of Covid-19 and some of his experience being used in theatre and the usability of The first place to start your ROC is to
training military and air force personnel in information gathered by them for an over- decide exactly what you want an ROC for
drone use in Mogadishu, Somalia. all tactical assessment. and how it will generate income. I know far
too many owners and directors of ROCs who
QUESTION: CAN YOU TELL US QUESTION : AS A DRONE FLIGHT have fallen victim of the adage, “How do you
ABOUT YOUR TRAINING FOR THE EXAMINER THAT CONSULTS TO make a small fortune in aviation? Start with
UNITED NATIONS ON MICRO UAS? COMPANIES TO OBTAIN A REMOTE a large one.” Select your area of expertise
WAS YOUR ROLE AND SCOPE OF WHAT DOES THIS ENTAIL AND ROC will be doing and your budget will make
EXPERTISE? WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO THOSE aircraft and systems selection far easier
I was extremely fortunate to have had WANTING TO BREAK INTO THIS instead of throwing money into a warehouse
my cultural and language skills set tested SPACE? of aircraft that do not have work.
when I was selected by the United Nations An ROC is the drone equivalent of an AOC, Secondly, one will need to apply for an
to train over 40 UN and African Union or Aircraft Operations Certificate awarded Air Service License (ASL) application with
personnel from at least 11 different to an organisation stating that they are safe the Department of Transport. During this
nations participating in the AMISOM enough to conduct commercial, corporate time, it is best to start writing your RPAS
mission in the use of mUAS (ICAO acronym and non-profit or for exceptional private Operations Manual (ROM) which you
for drones under 25kg) aircraft, to flight operations. should hand into the SACAA as soon as
compliment their global missions. The In South Africa, the SACAA have followed your ASL is approved. A second priority
aircraft used were basic and commercially some AOC processes quite closely with the would be the purchase and registration of
available but officially gave the regular exception of essentially trying to approve the aircraft with the SACAA while waiting
United Nations Peacekeeping troops the non-type certified aircraft to a commercial for the ASL.
ability to operate during night- Needless to say, the standards
time – something they had not for safety, in writing, are high as
done before. The participants with every aspect of aviation. A
ranged from majors to privates, lot of people have the miscon-
air force pilots to Infantrymen. ception that safety means their
The training programme consist- manuals and operational proce-
ed of the introduction to drones, dures require for more added
their basic capabilities, technical paperwork. This is a detrimental
and general considerations, oper- approach as it limits the amount
ational procedures and planning, of time available to actually fly
situational awareness as well as a operations. Basically, the less time
heavy focus on compliance in and one is able to fly in a day translates
around heavily used airspaces. to less time available in a day to
What wasn’t part of the training generate income.
I gave, was dealing with unan- You will find that it may become
nounced incoming mortar drills a far more expensive exercise in
(proud to say I never left equip- terms of time than it will in terms
ment behind or spilled a drop of of financial cost at certain points.
my coffee while running into a Use the lull time wisely by com-
shelter) and the sophisticated pleting other tasks. Master your
guard tower ‘communication aircraft, flight planning documen-
network’ who enjoyed shooting tation, read, reread, and under-
off a few rounds when their relief stand your Operations Manual.
was late. Fortunately, it seems Create a useful Induction
those guards must have passed Training Plan and not just a tick
the previous ‘drone course’, as box exercise. Conduct Safety
they understood that what goes meetings, even if they are dummy
up, must come down. We never runs. Don’t be lazy, playing catch-
did need to dive for cover when up in aviation is not as easy as
they went Rambo. one may think.
Training and lectures followed This use of time to master these
the ICAO interim standards and processes and tasks will make
advised procedures for drones, the desktop audit, inspection and
World Airnews | July 2020
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