Page 8 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
P. 8
rones are increasingly becoming a
CORONAVIRUS? Dreal and growing danger, with off -
the-shelf unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)
rarely out of the headlines these days and
drone incidents internationally an almost
By Justin Cronjé weekly occurrence.
Not only are critical infrastructure and
airports are in danger; commercial facili-
ties, such as arenas and stadiums, are also
s South Africa moved down a vulnerable to a wide array of threats, not
Alevel of lockdown, Drone Con to forget the invasion of privacy, smuggling
held a webinar with the theme “Thriving in and industrial espionage.
the new normal”. The purpose was to bring Regardless of the UAV operator’s inten-
South African commercial unmanned aerial tion, drones can pose a serious security risk.
vehicle (UAV) or drone industry leaders Now a Munich based technology group
together to discuss how COVID-19 has has developed a counter UAV solution monitors remote control uplink and drone en modular multi sensor UAS detection
affected drone-related businesses and gain that provides reliable drone control uplink downlink signals (in all relevant frequency and defence system called Guardion that
an aerial view on what the future might signal detection and disrupting capabilities bands) and can detect and locate those at includes R&S Ardronis in combination with
hold for the technology that is revolutionis- even under challenging scenarios. an approx. range of typically 1.5 km with up sensors and countermeasures technologies.
ing how some industries operate. Founded more than 85 years ago by uni- to 7 km under optimal conditions. Already tried and tested in various major
The webinar was directed by Victor versity friends Lothar Rohde and Hermann “R&S Ardronis combines leading Rohde & political events and in operation with many
Radebe (Mzansi Drone Accelerator) and Schwarz the company has come up with the Schwarz sensors to form a reliable, high-per- customers worldwide, Guardion provides
R&S Ardronis - a counter-UAV solution that ac-
the panel comprised of Sean Reitz (CEO of curately classifies the type of drone detected. formance solution, for example, securing a secure detection and defence against
UDH Group), Kim James (Director of UAV predefined airspace against drones,” said drones in stationary, mobile or deployable
Aerial Works & Drone Guards), Jack Shilu- This, the company said is critical to the Götz Mayser, director of C-UAV detection configurations, adapted to the individual
bana (CEO of Ntiyisa Consulting), Manabe- subsequent decision-making process. and counter solutions, Rohde & Schwarz. requirements of customers and situations.
la Chauke (CEO of Psira), Bheka Masinga Modular and scalable, the Ardronis can “Through repeated involvement in pro- In terms of airport security, Rohde &
(CEO of BM Global) and Hloni Coleman be deployed on a variety of platforms and tecting high-profile events and high-rank- Schwarz also offers advanced IP based
(Step Above). readily integrated to suit specific threat ing VIPs, R&S Ardronis has proven to be a communications systems for modern ATC
Reitz opened discussions providing an profiles, with numerous systems operation- valuable asset for security services involved networks, test and measurement and
outlook of the UAV industry in South Africa. al with government users. and a future-proof solution.” direction finding equipment that automat-
Before 2019, Reitz noted that SA’s drone It can effectively detect and disrupt a UAV With its partners ESG and Diehl Defence, ically locate and identify communicating
industry did not experience much growth, Drones in the fight against corona virus topics in the drone industry such as privacy control uplink signal at a very early point. It Rohde & Schwarz also offers a mission-prov- aircraft on radar screens. Q
mainly due to restrictive regulations. in South Africa have not seen much action, and regulations. Reitz mentioned that the
“My sense was that in 2019, we had real however. SACAA regulations relating to flying over
movement in the industry with a number of Shilubana told Drone Con how Ntiyisa people are still tight. UAV EXPO - REIMAGINED
ROCs (Remote Operator Certificates) being Aviation Services (NAS), a subsidiary of Shilubana told of the Tzaneen citizens’
issued and about 40-odd that were sort of Ntiyisa Consulting, assisted law enforce- fascination with drones monitoring them
in their final phase,” said Reitz. ment in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. and speaking to them in their own lan- interactive Q&A and chat features; an the largest aerospace system in the world.
The South African Civil Aviation Authority NAS did surveillance and monitoring of guage. Chauke and James drew on parallels AI-powered networking component; Additional information about the
(SACAA) approved 26 operators in 2018 citizens’ compliance with lockdown regu- between how willingly people give up ommercial UAV Expo Americas virtual exhibits, and demonstrations by event will be announced, but commer-
and 63 as of 2020. Corporate ROCs (com- lations in Tzaneen as well as broadcasted their personal information on social media C2020 is going virtual, according UAS solutions providers. cial drone solutions providers will have
panies with ROCs) have grown from one in messages on social distancing in the rural platforms and are watched by CCTV but are to event organising company Diversified “We have stayed in close contact with the opportunity to host virtual exhibits,
2018 to five in 2020. Reitz added that com- communities and informal settlements. not on board with drones monitoring the Communications. our customers over the last few months. conduct one-on-one meetings, provide
pliance with strict SACAA regulation is still Shilubana stated the project was success- public space. “Due to ongoing health and safety What is clear is that they want and need product information, share videos and
relatively challenging. Drone-related busi- ful and going forward, NAS sought to pro- “I think from a drone perspective, we concerns stemming from the COVID-19 the business networking and education more - all virtually.
nesses, much like every other business in vide a joint operation service to the South watch too many movies… The point is if pandemic, members of the commercial normally provided by our event, but “We are investing in a robust virtual
SA, had to cease operations unless deemed African Police Service (SAPS) to identify you’re flying from 30 metres and you’re on a drone community we serve have made travel bans and other restrictions were platform that will deliver high value to
essential by government authorities. priority sites and hotspots (potential mission to do a perimeter patrol, etc. we are it clear that it would be impossible to going to prevent them from attending. companies already signed on for the
The effects of the corona virus on the drone non-compliant areas) and deploy drone not wanting to see what’s going on in some- hold the live event as originally planned. We decided to put a stake in the ground in-person event. We expect going virtu-
industry were felt worldwide, according to teams in the areas to monitor perma- one’s swimming pool or looking through In the interests of ensuring our commu- and make immediate plans to ensure al will naturally attract new companies,
Frost & Sullivan, who said they expected a nently or move from site to site collecting someone’s window,” said James. “I think the nity still has an opportunity learn from the broadest participation possible by further enhancing the array of products
0.6% in revenue growth for drone makers information for law enforcement. desensitising [to drones] is still in its infancy and connect with each other, we have making the event virtual now. Where a and services on offer and attracting new
in the United States. Despite an overcast Masinga from BM Global is currently con- stage and people will get over it”. re- imagined Commercial UAV Expo virtual event may not have appealed to buyers who may not have attended a
outlook for revenue growth for drone makers tracted by the SA National Defence Force Adding to James’ point, Coleman spoke Americas as a fully virtual event taking many just a few months ago, the world live event but are more than ready to
in the US and globally, Reitz said he believed in collaboration with Armscor to develop, about the need for the commercial drone place September 15-17, 2020,” said Lisa has changed. People are yearning for attend virtually.” said Murray.
that in 2020, South Africa’s drone use in the “the country’s first radar and electronic industry to change public perception of the Murray, group director. connections and education. “So much has happened in the drone
public sector and private security industry warfare mission planning software which drone. “To anyone in the industry, to any These are the same dates the live event FAA Administrator Stephen M. Dickson, space since the last edition of Commer-
would increase significantly. will then go into an indigenous South Afri- other ROC holders, the game we’re playing had been scheduled for in Las Vegas. an aviation professional with nearly 40 cial UAV Expo Americas,” said Murray.
In addition, he said drone piloting would can mission computer with the aim around is not competing against each other; the Details will be forthcoming, but the years of experience, will Keynote the In 2021, Commercial UAV Expo Ameri-
be seen as a real career opportunity and in- that to protect sovereignty”. game we’re playing is getting drones and content will include keynotes, panel virtual event. Dickson leads an agency cas will take place September 7-9, 2021 at
vestment into online learning for obtaining Also featured on the webinar, Rabede drone sentiment positively adopted in discussions, and presentations with responsible for the safety and efficiency of the Mirage in Las Vegas,” said Murray. Q
a remote pilot license (RPL). asked the opinions of the panellists on hot South Africa.” Q
World Airnews | July 2020 World Airnews | July 2020
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