Page 11 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
P. 11


         flight demonstration easier and less nerve   time.  Always consider financial implica-

         racking.  An inspector appreciates not   tions of your solutions because while they

         having to pull teeth when asking questions   might be brilliant, just running them might
         or waiting unnecessarily for you to find   not be economically viable for clients.

         answers to basic questions.         One thing to consider around the world is,

          Another vital point to consider, if your   that it may actually be cheaper and better
         SACAA Inspector makes a comment on   socially and economically to have someone
         your manual or requests any documenta-  who carries the thermometer or tank and
         tion from you - do it as soon as humanly   spray nozzle employed for larger projects,

         possible.  Do not allow them to think that   over a highly trained pilot with a piece of

         you are uninterested in getting your ROC   equipment.  The value of which is multiple
         completed, the Inspectors are busy enough   years’ worth of, the guy with a nozzle’s,
         that they will treat you the way your atti-  salary.  It also does not mean that you

         tude dictates.                      should then skimp on the cost of a solution
         QUESTION: WHERE IS SOUTH AFRI-      or system to try keep as close to, guy with a
                                             nozzle, in terms of costs.
         CA IN TERMS OF THIS SECTOR? ARE      Afrikaans is a wonderful language, some-
         THEY IN OPERATION IN THE SANDF/     times (because I fail to understand most of

         NAVY OR AIR FORCE?                  it), “Goed koop, is duur koop.”  Which basi-
         There has been a recurring ‘round the   cally translates to, ‘don’t be a cheapskate,
         fire’ discussion of what the South African   if the thing seems expensive, it will most

         National Defence Force and Air Force   likely save you money later because it is a
         should do in terms of dwindling budgets,   quality system and you won’t need to fix

         equipment obsolescence and available   it.’ This rings extremely true and I know of

         expertise.  10 Squadron of the South   some big drone companies who buy wrong
         African Air Force was rumoured to have   and just fork out on maintenance for their
         become operational again.  A sale of Denel   equipment, it’s heartbreaking.

         Seekers to a customer may have had   During this time though, I do believe

         something to do with that in a training role   that thought towards drone solutions for   take as long to get aircraft operational under

         prior to delivery.                  unique problems has been very forthcom-  an ROC.  It will save time and effort on the

          The conflict in the Central African   ing, which as always, is brilliant for the   SACAA’s part and create more opportunity
         Republic and the SANDF involvement   industry.  New industries deserve new   for the industry to grow.  The growth of the
         there certainly dictates that some form of   trains of thought applied to them to allow   industry also directly benefits the SACAA.

         drone capability is available to our forces,   for progress and progressive influence for   I’d prefer to share a mutual win win relation-

         even if it is only with smaller systems than   decision makers.         ship with them to be honest. Q
         10 Squadrons Seekers.  What has been   The most difficult question to answer

         interesting to see is the number of De-  though is where the SACAA could poten-  Justin Melman is the owner of Aerospace

         fence Force personnel of all branches and   tially relax regulations without jeopardizing   3D, an aviation solutions company spe-

         varying rank, going through commercial   safety standards.  Up until now, we have   cialising in drones. He grew up interested

         RPL training lately.  It certainly shows that   had no major drone accidents or incidents   in anything that could fly. He is one of the

         there is an interest in drone programs, so   in South Africa that have made the news   contributing authors to the Amazon #1

         hopefully we’ll hear of some progressive   (don’t start now please) which either   best selling book ‘Drone Professional’
         capabilities soon.                  shows that the system works or we have

         QUESTION: LASTLY AS FAR AS          unusually lucky and/or skilful pilots or
         COVID-19 IS CONCERNED, WHAT DO      incredible training schools.  Let’s
         YOU BELIEVE HAS BEEN THE IM-        not be naïve and believe it is just

         PACT ON DRONES? SOME AVIATION       a single one of those options.
         EXPERTS ARE SAYING THAT IT HAS       I will however suggest
         BEEN A BLESSING AND THERE HAS       an easier way of having
         BEEN AN UPTICK IN SALES.            drones al-
         As far as COVID solutions are concerned,   most ‘type


         it has definitely brought about some very   so that it

         creative thinking in terms of solutions.  The   won’t

         sale of aircraft may be both a positive and a

         negative.  The positive being the explora-
         tion of solutions and keeping those sellers

         in business.  The negative may be that
         some of that equipment may have been an
         impulse buy and actually won’t serve them
         well because it wasn’t researched enough
         for the purpose.
          The initial ideas of using drones for

         sanitization of public spaces or tempera-

         ture monitoring, is fantastic and forward

         thinking as it will lead to other avenues for
         drones to be implemented in our skies.
          Firstly, there’s a whole other discussion
         we can have about being socially responsi-
         ble by keeping others employed during this
                                                     World Airnews | July 2020
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