Page 10 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 10
Jaccard says some wealthy families from their commercial counterparts, they've and continue to charter jets in the future.
coronavirus "hotspots" have opted to stepped up the sanitization process. "Once you fly private, you don't really
relocate to another continent altogether, "We always clean the airplane, it's a want to go back," he says.
chartering private jets to up sticks from Eu- private jet so we always have it looking nice, British company Victor points out that
rope to South America with the intention on but did we sanitize every single surface on while there have been "new requests for
"staying there until the situation stabilizes." the airplane before? Let's be honest, no. But evacuation", there have also been "cancel-
"That's a flight profile we don't see on a now we do," says Davis. lations from those avoiding all travel."
regular basis," says Jaccard. "We were quite Jaccard says Simply Jet SA has evaluated "It's too soon to know to what extent
surprised to discover that some people are the cleaning products used -- and opted for business aviation will be affected," says a
actually willing to just relocate themselves "medical grade" options. Victor spokesperson.
for an unknown period of time until you have While private jet companies might be The other players express fears that this
more info and you know how it evolves." more willing to fly in and out of lockdown short-term boom might simply be shielding
A CLEANER AIRCRAFT? zones, the aircraft still operate within the long-term implications -- after all, if commer-
cial air travel grounds to a halt, so too will
same framework, rules and regulations as
Private jet users seek solace in the fact commercial airplanes. private jet travel. Plus, there's the economic
that the aircraft's exactly that -- private. Flying into a lockdown zone involves a safety consequences of a potential market downturn.
There's no battling for arm rests or ending assessment and submitting a flight plan to "If everything is down 25% in a couple of
up in close proximity to others. Plus, these airport authorities, who will send it to health months, that means that our clients may
flights operate out of small, private aviation authorities, who pass on a list of requirements. have to get rid of some personnel, they
terminals, not mass transport hubs. Air crew are given a full briefing on the might need to close some factories, or
"It's quite likely that you will be alone when route they're flying, the level of risk and the they're just going to experience a general
you board your aircraft, you will only have government stance on the destination. decrease in demand for their products over
contact with the security agents and the crew, Leboursier says Luna Jets ensures crew a long period of time," says Jaccard.
and some airport personnel," says Jaccard. maintain good health by adopting a "no Luna Jets' Leboursier expresses similar
"People basically are happy to pay a premium overnights" policy in lockdown regions and concerns.
using our service versus commercial aviation to ensuring crew stay on board throughout "In the long term, to be honest we are
decrease the risk of contracting the virus." their time on the ground. petrified -- because as the leader in Europe,
Fears aside, medical experts assure CNN PrivateFly's Twidell says crew members if the market goes down, then we will be
Travel that passengers are unlikely to catch are having their temperatures checked the most affected," he says.
coronavirus on board a commercial airplane. before every flight. Jaccard, of Simply Jet SA, says his compa-
"Even if there is virus in the inanimate ny is also concerned about the future.
environment, it's not going to jump off the LONG-TERM IMPACT "We are always optimistic short term – of
seat and bite you in the ankle," Dr. William While private jet companies might be course we are here to try and help where
Schaffner, a professor of medicine in Van- reaping the benefits of an unexpected we can to provide alternate travel solutions
derbilt University's division of infectious dis- boom, Davis says he can't help but have that can replace all these routes that are
eases, told CNN Travel last week, reiterating a "weird feeling" about getting more not doable anymore," he says.
that hand washing is the best prevention. business because of a global health crisis. "But we also realized that in the long
"You've got to touch it, and then touch "Obviously we don't want this to contin- term, if it's really bad for the economy, it's
your nose or your mouth," ue," he says. "What we hope is this mini- going to be really bad for us as well." Q
Still, for travelers concerned about hygiene -- mizes and goes away pretty quickly."
the idea that private jet companies likely spend Still, Davis acknowledges a long-term benefit Article courtesy:
longer cleaning their aircraft is comforting. could be that individuals who've opted for pri- travel/article/coronavirus-private-jets/
Private jet companies also say that, like vate jet travel during the crisis will be hooked, index.html
Co-operation Agency news release. move into contract negotiations with KC-46
According to a report published in a manufacturer Boeing. The estimated price
he US state department has local news outlet, Israel plans to use the of the deal and equipment associated with
Tgiven the green light for Israel to military aid funding that it receives from the sale can shift during this process.
buy eight KC-46 aerial-refuelling tankers the United States to pay for the aircraft. “The proposed sale further supports
at an estimated cost of (US) $2.4 billion. The country also wants to expedite the the foreign policy and national security
If a contract is solidified, Israel would delivery of its first tankers and may ask the of the United States by allowing Israel to
become the second international custom- US Air Force if it can take two of its produc- provide a redundant capability to US as-
er for the Boeing tanker, which was first tion slots. sets within the region, potentially freeing
delivered to the US air force last year. Israel currently uses Boeing 707s, which US assets for use elsewhere during times
Israel has requested to buy up to eight have been modified by Israel Aerospace of war,” a DSCA press release stated.
KC-46s, 17 PW4062 engines for those Industries, for aerial refuelling. “Aerial refuelling and strategic airlift
aircraft, and a suite of communications The announcement last month by the are consistently cited as significant
gear, transponders, spare parts, support DSCA is only a notification to Congress of shortfalls for our allies. In addition, the
equipment and contractor support a potential sale. Congress has the ability to sale improves Israel’s national security
necessary to establish a maintenance block foreign military sales but is unlikely to posture as a key US ally. Israel will have
enterprise and perform work on the do so for a sale to Israel, a close ally. If the no difficulty absorbing this equipment
aircraft, according to a Defence Security sale is allowed to move forward, Israel will into its armed forces.” Q
World Airnews | April 2020
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