Page 8 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 8

                JETS                                                                                                              CEO: Bialufu Papy                                                          FOR ENQUI RI ES:
                                                                                                                                        PHONE:                                                                     PHONE:
                                  PRIVATE JETS ARE TAKING OFF                                                                     +(244) 934 733 432,                                                       (+244) 927 28 9 28 1,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            (+244) 997 28 9 28 1
                                                                                                                                   +(27) 76 363 7877                                                                EMAI L:
                                  BECAUSE OF CORONAVIRUS                                                                                 EMAIL:                                                           INFO@SJLAERONAUT
                                                                                                                                                                                           I CA.AO

             o your flight's canceled, but you
       Sneed to get home or to that import-                                                                                     SJL  Aeronautica  is  an  Angolan  private

        ant business meeting ASAP. Perhaps you're

        just nervous about transiting through a                                                                                 airline  that  operates  commercial  flights  in
        busy airport with other passengers.                                                                                     Angola  and  international  charter  flights,
         Most of us are handling coronavirus-re-

        lated disruption by staying put, but for                                                                                since  2005.  Thanks  to  the  professionalism
        those in a travel predicament with dollars                                                                              and  commitment  of  its  entire  team,  SJL
        to burn, there's an increasingly popular
        alternative: private jets.                                                                                              Aeronautica  has  over  the  past  14  years

         While much of the travel industry has                                                                                  become  an  eminent  player  in  the  public

        been suffering as the infection spreads
        globally, the private jet industry has appar-                                                                           passenger  transport.  We  are  committed  to
        ently been on a roll.
         Alain Leboursier, director of sales at Swiss                                                                           serving  the  development  of  the  Angolan
        private jet broker Luna Jets, tells CNN Travel                                                                          provinces through the aviation industry. We
        that there's been an "impressive increase" in
        bookings and enquiries from passengers in   following day, the lockdown was extended   people who normally would not fly private,"   were  the  first  Angolan  airline  to  create  an

        recent weeks, correlating with heightened   to cover the whole country.  says Paramount Business Jets CEO Zaher.        airbridge between Cabinda and Soyo.

        concerns surrounding COVID-19.       Yann-Guillaume Jaccard, CEO and    Zaher gives the example of an older woman
         In February, about 15% of overall   co-founder of Swiss private jet company   who was traveling from the east coast of the
        requests were related to coronavirus, Leb-  Simply Jet SA, says he's currently inundated   US to the west coast and discarded her com-                                    SJL  Aeronautica  has  established  its  reputation
        oursier says. That's now doubled to 30%.  with inquiries regarding routes that have   mercial flight ticket in favor of a private jet.

         "We got around 200 requests [on Sunday]   reduced commercial flights.  Another domestic US passenger was on                                                              for  quality  by  offering  a  service  tailored  to  the

        Out of the 200 requests, 60 requests were   "Provided we find an aircraft and crew   oxygen and opted to travel private due to                                            needs  of  its  customers  with  absolute  rigor  and

        coming from 'Coronavirus regions'," adds   that is willing to do it [...] we do can do   health concerns.
        Leboursier. "Either people want to escape,   flights in and out of China with private   Twidell, of PrivateFly, says his company has                                      efficiency.  Its  flexibility,  responsiveness  and

        or [there is] urgent business that needs to   jets," he says.          also had requests from passengers keen to                                                          reliability  are  all  assets  that  have  enabled  it  to
        be done today or tomorrow."          And it's not just European operators notic-  avoid exposure to crowded airport terminals

         Clients include companies that normally   ing an uptake. Jerod Davis, chief and manag-  or scores of passengers in airline cabins.                                       grow  and  gain  customer  loyalty.  Today,  SJL
        book employees in biz class seats and high   ing pilot at US-based Southern Jet, says his   "These include a family looking to return
        net worth individuals concerned about the   aircraft are getting booked up far in advance.  home to Chicago, from New York where they                                     Aeronautica  operates  a  fleet  of  14  small  to

        spread of the virus.                 Davis puts this down to a mix of "com-  have been attending a wedding," he says.                                                     medium  sized  aircraft,  including  1  Fokker  27

         On-demand private jet charter provider   mon sense reasons and fear" -- a lot of his   "The group includes an older passenger
        PrivateFly have noted an even bigger surge   clients are older, at higher risk of suffering   in their late 70s and a young child.                                        cargo, 1 Cessna F406, 2 Cessna 172, 1 Beech

        in demand since President Donald Trump   ill effects if they contract coronavirus.  "Another group includes an immuno-com-                                                Baron  58,  4  Twin  Otter  of  19  seats,  2  Embraer

        announced restrictions on travel from the   "They'd rather be on the plane by them-  promised passenger, and they are returning

        US to 26 European nations.         selves, rather than with a crowd of people   home to the US from the Caribbean. In                                                     135 of 37 seats and 1 Embraer 145 of 50 seats.

         According to CEO Adam Twidell, the compa-  on airlines, and in security lines and all   Europe, one flight was for a couple returning

        ny are receiving a "significant number of   that," Davis tells CNN Travel.  to Jersey in the Channel Islands, from Spain.
        requests" from Americans currently in Europe   US-based Paramount Business Jets   They were keen to avoid making the neces-  Regular  commercial  flights  are  operated
        who are seeking to return to the US, as well   echoes Davis. "We are seeing anywhere   sary airline connection in London."    from  Luanda  to  Dundo,  Saurimo,  Luena,

        as those keen to fly from Europe to the UK,   from 100% to 300% increases in charter   Luna Jets, meanwhile, assisted a European

        which is exempt from the ban at present.  requests depending on the region world-  passenger who canceled all his commercial   Huambo,   Kuito   (Bié),   Lubango   and
         "Overall the inquiries we're getting are   wide," says CEO Richard Zaher.  tickets for the month of March, and decided

        from people very concerned to get their   "The requests are coming from private jet   to fly private instead. The Swiss company   Benguela,  with  daily  flights  with  Twin  Otter

        families back together as soon as possible,   clients, government officials, entertainers and   also operated several emergency flights out   between Cabinda and Soyo.

        given how rapidly the situation is develop-  sports teams, corporate executives as well as   of Italy when the lockdown on the country's

        ing," Twidell tells CNN.           people who normally would not fly private."  northern regions was announced Sunday.  Building  on  its  commitment  as  a  leader  in

         "One client is flying her daughter home to                             "We're working on a flight for a company        Angola's    regional    air   transport,    SJL

        the US from University in France, and sev-  NEW CUSTOMERS              working on moving its 50 top employees
        eral of her fellow students (who are also US   Those travelers turning towards the private   from northern Italy back to London where   Aeronautica continues to work to expand its

        citizens) are sharing the flight back with her."  jet market do so for a range of reasons, with   they also have an office," says Leboursier.

         Leboursier says Luna Jet flew out a   one common denominator: they're all able   Meanwhile, British private jet company   services  with  the  most  competitive  tariff  in

        passenger over the weekend who usu-  to spend thousands of dollars on the trip.  Victor tells CNN Travel that a LA-based   the market, thereby contributing to Angola's
        ally divides her time between Rome and   Operators say they're now servicing   studio recently got in touch about

        London. When Northern Italy announced   customers who would usually take business   arranging an emergency charter      socio-economic development through better
        unprecedented restrictions on Sunday, she   or first-class options.    flight to transport 50 employees                 air connectivity.

        chartered a flight to London right away. The   "We are seeing a lot of requests from   from Tokyo to LA.  To page 8
                                                   World Airnews | April 2020                                                                                              World Airnews | April 2020
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