Page 21 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 21
niversal Avionics has announced
UEuropean Aviati on Safety Agency
certification for its ClearVision Enhanced
Flight Vision System or EFVS with SkyLens
Head-Wearable Display or HWD.
“The certification of our EFVS with
SkyLens is a breakthrough in commercial
aviation,” said Dror Yahav, UA CEO.
“Aircraft operators can now take ad-
vantage of major Enhanced Flight Vision
capabilities and safety improvements with With flexibility, ClearVision can interface and provides unique capabilities with its
our proven ClearVision solution,” he said. with a variety of display options such as the unlimited field of regard.
“This marks the first civil certification of traditional fixed Head-Up Display systems, Through its demonstrated Visual Advantage,
a HWD and the first EFVS to land solu- head-down flight display systems, or wearable ClearVision provides relief to approach bans
tion for line-fit passenger aircraft. These devices like the ‘near-to-eye’ SkyLens HWD. under Part 121 operations and allows oper-
achievements are yet another milestone in All of these options offer pilots unprece- ators to use its Enhanced Flight Visibility to
our heritage of introducing first-to-market dented situational awareness of the external meet the flight visibility required to depart to a
breakthrough technologies and products.” environment surrounding the aircraft, destination or begin an instrument approach.
ClearVision is a complete EFVS solution enhancing what they can see with ‘natural ClearVision enables airlines to operate
providing head-up operations combined vision’ in degraded visual environments and efficiently and without interruptions in
with enhanced vision, synthetic 3D terrain adverse weather conditions, day or night. low visibility conditions, generating sig-
display and a unique optimised Combined The SkyLens high-transparency visor is nificant financial savings and unparalleled
Vision System. an alternative to a traditional fixed HUD customer service. Q
ther A320Neo aircraft being planned. value to SalamAir operation, and it is in
Implementation will start with the ar- line with airline strategy to equip the
alamAir – the official airline from rival of the materials module in the next company with the most innovative tech-
Sthe Arab country of Oman - has month and CAMO implementation will nologies. SalamAir has achieved growth
chosen Communication Software’s commence as new aircraft arrive. in its operations and has expanded its
OASES engineering and maintenance The OASES implementation will start reach across the region serving custom-
ers across cross section of society. Sala-
pla�orm for its growing regional airline. immediately with onsite implementation mAir will continue to focus efforts on
The deal, which was signed on New likely to commence in March. how to adapt, innovate and connect the
Year’s Eve, was Commsoft’s seventh new Nick Godwin, Commsoft’s managing world in better ways. Such agreements
OASES contract in 2019. It will see the director said, “We are very pleased to will help us achieve our objectives.”
Oman-based airline using several OASES be working with SalamAir, one of the Considered one of the most successful
modules, all of which will be implement- fastest growing low-cost carriers in the aviation engineering and maintenance
ed on Commsoft’s private cloud. Gulf region. We look forward to a rapid systems in the world, OASES (Open
These include its core, airworthiness, implementation and a long successful Aviation Strategic Engineering System)
planning, materials, line maintenance relationship.” is now used to support 130 aviation
control and warranty modules. Captain Mohamed Ahmed, CEO of customers in over 55 countries, oper-
The first low-cost carrier, SalamAir was SalamAir said, “It is a pleasure for us to ating on six continents. These include
established in 2016 and now serves 27 be collaborating with OASES one of the national carriers, third party maintain-
destinations. Its current fleet comprises most thriving aviation engineering and ers, regional carriers, leasing companies,
three Airbus A320-214 (CFM56 engines) maintenance systems in the world. The cargo specialists, charter operators and
and five Airbus A320-251Neo with a fur- new cooperation will be an additional specialist rotable stockists. Q
World Airnews | April 2020
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