Page 16 - World Airnews Magazine April 2020 Edition
P. 16


                                  DARPA’S ACE WANTS

                                  TO AUTOMATE DOGFIGHTING

                                  TO EMPOWER AI

                DARPA programme to build pilot
        Atrust in arti fi cial intelligence (AI) in
        combat by automating dog fighting has tak-

        en a step forward with the award of the first
        contract and the release of a solicitation to

        develop algorithms for close-in air combat.
         Just as air combat training is used to de-
        velop pilot performance and trust, DARPA’s
        Air Combat Evolution (ACE) programme

        aims to use dogfight automation as a cru-

        cible to give pilots confidence that AI ‘can
        handle a high-end fight’.

         ACE will develop AI algorithms to auto-
        mate within-visual-range combat and test
        them first in a modelling and simulation

        environment, then in subscale unmanned

        aircraft and finally in live 1v1, 2v1 and 2v2
        combat between full-size fighters.  scaling the algorithms from local combat   last month with multiple awards planned.

         DARPA argues that dog fighting is less   autonomy to large force exercises.  In a bid to mobilise the AI community

        difficult to automate than it appears   TA3 is one of four technical areas under   around the idea of automating within-visu-

        because the solution space is bounded.   ACE. TA1 involves developing algorithms   al-range combat, DARPA has sponsored the

        Instead the challenge is enabling the   for local combat autonomy; TA2 is building   Alpha Dogfight Trials - a virtual competition

        pilot to trust the AI, and ACE will develop   trust in those local behaviours; and TA4   to demonstrate AI algorithms ahead of the

        methods of modelling and measuring   involves integrating those algorithms into   TA1 development phase.

        trust, including cross check ratio - essen-  full-scale aircraft and conducting live flight   Eight teams from academia and indus-
        tially how often the pilot grabs the stick to   experiments.           try were selected in October 2019. The

        counteract the automation.           DARPA plans to awards contracts to   final event at the AFWERX innovation hub
         The first contract under ACE, worth (US)   two performers for TA3, scale-up, and   this month will pit the best AI-based dog

        $10.6 million, has been awarded to Lock-  one each for TA2 and TA4. The broad area   fighting system against the best pilots
        heed Martin’s Skunk Works for Technical   announcement for TA1, algorithm devel-  from the US air force weapons school,

        Area 3 of the programme. This involves   opment and demonstration, was released   said DARPA. Q
                    INDIA BEATS RUSSIA, POLAND
                                            Armenia has already started and this is   ent weapons at different locations.
                                            being considered as a big achievement   The Indian army is also using the same
             n a major success, India has bagged a   for ‘Make in India’ programme in the   radars for its operations along the
                                            defence sector, they said.
          Ideal worth (US) $40 million to supply                             line of control in Jammu and Kashmir
                                                                             where they trace the source of attack
                                             Sources said Armenians had conduct-
           four indigenously-built weapon locating   ed trials of systems offered by Russia   by Pakistani positions. The system was

           radars to Armenia by beating Russian   and Poland that were also good but they   given for trial by the army in 2018.
           and Polish firms.                decided to go for the reliable Indian   Officials said the export order will

            “The deal is for supplying four Swathi   system.                 help India open a new market for the

           weapon locating radars developed by   The contract is for four Swathi weapon   sale of its indigenous systems, which
           the Defence Research and Development   locating radars which provide fast, au-  are cheaper than their European and

           Organisation (DRDO) and manufactured   tomatic and accurate location of enemy   other rivals.

           by the Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)   weapons like mortars, shells and rockets   The Defence ministry is also now
           to Armenia in Europe,” government   in its 50-km range.           looking at other orders from South-East
           sources have said.                The radar can simultaneously handle   Asia, Latin America and Middle-East

            The supply of the equipment to   multiple projectiles fired from differ-  countries. Q
                                                   World Airnews | April 2020
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