Page 62 - World Airnews Magazine April 2021
P. 62
Idaho-based Bearhawk Model B
with IO-540 Lycoming engine
Bearhawk. though, the aircraft is ultimately destined
With the big 300-hp engine, Brent and for West Africa.
his instructor said it’s very responsive, not
Bearhawk Aircraft has announced that light, and yet not heavy on the controls. “The kit has been fantastic so far,” said
the first two flights of Bearhawk Model B Brent has his own landing strip and Virgil. He plans to have it flying by October,
and meanwhile will be finishing up his
aircraft in Idaho and California have taken already appreciates the difference in climb A&P certificate. The Bearhawk is Virgil’s
place. attitude, noting that the 182 points up in first complete build, adding, “I will have a
The Idaho-based Bearhawk Model B climb, while the Bearhawk is still gaining couple of guys helping off and on.”
was completed in under one year by Brent speed at 1200 fpm and 3/4-throttle but The instrument panel will be IFR-capable
Huddleston, a short timeframe considering “feels level.” He claims speeds of 155 and built around the Garmin G3X. Once in
he is a first-time aircraft builder. mph TAS, and said he’s getting many Africa, the aircraft will be based on a dirt
Brent said his new Bearhawk has more compliments on workmanship, paint and runway. Virgil stated there is no actual IFR
performance than his previous O-470- finish. in the country, however, "Niger weather in
powered Cessna 182Q. He had never flown A second Model B builder, Tim Newsome the Sahara desert requires special VFR due
a taildragger, but this did not deter him of California, flew his Bearhawk for the first to dirt in the air.”
from comparing the Bearhawk to others in time last month. The Bearhawk Model B The West African destination is tied
his search for a kit. In the end, according is a “refinement” of the original 4-Place to the missionary work the aircraft will
to Brent, “The Bearhawk was the fastest, Bearhawk by Bob Barrows. Enhancements service. Hence, Virgil expects to obtain
had the best specs, big doors, and, by to the Model B include a longer, speedier permission to operate off-airport.
comparison, the 182 was too small for even and more stable Riblett 30-413.5 air foil, He noted that Niger has no general
my dog.” and weight-saving aluminium fuselage aviation and only six such aircraft are
Brent installed an IO-540 engine, “ported formers, window sills, and door sills in based in the country now. Thus, no avgas is
and polished to 9.5:1 compression,” on his place of steel. available.
Air foil shaped
While it can be special ordered, at an
empennage exorbitant $22/gal., the Bearhawk will
surfaces improve need to run on auto gas. Per its mission,
stability, control the aircraft will be operating heavy all the
authority, and time and Virgil needed, “a big aircraft that
speed. The 4-Place hauls a lot.” The Bearhawk Model 5 fits that
Bearhawk is criteria.
as best-in-class It will employ a Lycoming IO-540 engine
for its speed, STOL with 8.7:1 compression and EFII (Electronic
capability, and large Fuel Injection and Ignition).
payload carrying A second Model 5 kit was recently
capacity. delivered to a customer in the Houston
Meanwhile four area. Ryan Barker of Livingston, Texas,
Bearhawk Model is a commercial pilot. After flying the
5 kits arrived in Bearhawk 4-Place and 6-Place models,
the hands of their Ryan determined the Model 5 is the best
respective builders. all-around plane for him and his family on
Ryan Barker takes delivery of Virgil Irwin took their grass strip. Ryan is another first-time
his Bearhawk Model 5 kit delivery of one in builder and expects to work solo on the
Oklahoma, even build, enlisting help when needed. He
World Airnews | April Extra 2021
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